Money and power often go hand in hand, which is why it should come as no surprise that the two towns with the highest median income in the United States are both within an hour's drive from the White House.
McLean, Va., and Bethesda, Md. top Money's list of the richest places to live. Our ranking is based on 2014 income data (the most recent available) from our Best Places to Live data partner Onboard Informatics, for communities with 50,000 or more residents.
Read next: Best Places to Be Rich and Single
Outside the capital area, cities from Sammamish, Wash., to Johns Creek, Ga., make up the rest of the top 10. Most of them also come with hot real estate markets and unemployment rates lower than the 4.9% national average.
Here's a look at the 10 richest places in America.
For more on Money’s Best Places to Live, check out the full series here.