The Nostalgia-Fueled Return of Crystal Pepsi

If you were one of the few people to mourn Crystal Pepsi's demise in 1993 after the clear cola spin-off flopped, you have the current craze for retro-90s pop culture to thank: Your favorite transparent soft drink is heading back to store shelves, at least for a little while.
Crystal Pepsi made a brief cameo as part of an advertising campaign last December, but fans had to act quickly — the promotion lasted only a couple of days. This time, retailers will sell 20-ounce bottles of Crystal Pepsi for an eight-week limited release beginning August 8, according to "Few things are as hot right now in pop culture as the 1990s," Linda Lagos, the Pepsi brand's marketing director, told AdAge.
The soft drink is hardly the only late 20th-century supermarket item to be hauled out of retirement-slash-obscurity to cater to the sugary nostalgia cravings of consumers: General Mills re-released its five retro Halloween cereals (that's Boo Berry, Franken Berry, and Count Chocula, plus the lesser-known Frute Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy) in their original old-school packaging.
Accordingly, Crystal Pepsi's (temporary) return is being accompanied by a video game titled "The Crystal Pepsi Trail." Yes, for you 80s kids out there, that's exactly what you think it is: A soda-themed version of the old computer game, The Oregon Trail.
In a nod to changing times, though, the relaunch won't be advertised on TV. Instead, AdAge said the brand is focusing on digital advertising instead.