Getting Some Financial Help From Mom and Dad? Tell Us Your Story.
For an upcoming story in Money, we’re interested in talking with young adults who are getting financial help from Mom and Dad. The level of support could range from receiving help paying for a cell phone or health insurance plan to having your parents help subsidize other expenses (car, rent, or furniture, say) or continuing to live at home or getting help with other major expenses, such as the down payment on a house.
Among the questions we’d like to explore:
- the specific kinds of expenses your parents help you pay for
- why you need the financial help
- how much support you’re receiving (estimated amount)
- how long you expect the support to continue
- How you feel about the support you’re receiving
If your family situation fits the bill, we’d love to hear from you. Please send us a short summary of your situation, including your age, the circumstances and any other details you care to share and think are important. Be sure to include your name and contact info (email address and daytime/evening phone number) so we can follow up with you.
Your Name(required)
Your Email(required)
Your Phone Number
Tell us a little about your story.(required)
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