Sorry Trolls, New 'Ghostbusters' Toys Are Selling Well to Boys and Girls Alike

The stars of the new "Ghostbusters" movie.
Hopper Stone
Some overgrown children may not want women to be Ghostbusters. But based on toy sales for the new female-led Ghostbusters movie, actual kids seem to like the notion just fine.
The new Mattel says the line of Ghostbusters action figures (or are they dolls? -- it doesn't matter!) is selling briskly to both boys and girls, according to a report published in Variety.
The better-than-expected toy sales come after the surprisingly controversial all-female remake of the 1984 classic opened in modestly successful second place last weekend.
In addition to the figures modeled after the movie's four stars -- Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones -- Mattel is marketing an "Ecto" vehicle and a Proton pack, according to Variety.