If Your Dog Sleeps in Your Bed, You Need Lemonade Pet Insurance

It started off slow, on a day with clean fur.
Now you’re the dog parent you swore you’d never become – sharing your pillow with your poodle. Instagramming your Pomeranian. In a stroller. We get it!
More than a pet, dogs are part of the family now. It’s only natural that when they stay in bed for way too long, you notice they’re not doing good, and nothing but the finest vet care will do.
So Why Get Pet Insurance?
When your French bulldog devours your French heels or your goldendoodle suffers more than a simple booboo, the bills can add up quickly. Many common procedures total $2,000, $3,000, or even $5,000. The last decision a dog or cat lover wants to make is whether to go into debt to keep Fido alive.
A big plus with Lemonade is that if you do not file any claims, your unspent premiums get donated to a cause of your choosing (including several animal-focused charities).
Pet health insurance that ensures your dog has access to the best care and gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling from helping other dogs? Sign me up!
Lemonade covers accident/illness procedures and offers customizable coverage and adds-on that can help keep your pet healthy. Their preventative care package covers things you’re already paying for (like vaccines and your annual medical exam) and their extended accident and illness package means additional kinds of treatment and no more exam fees. Their super-low prices (starting at 10$, plus a 10% discount for existing users) combined with award-winning service is a fierce combination.
Lemonade also holds the world record for the fastest paid claim. Their policies are simple, jargon-free, and intuitive. They even provide a live chat with medical experts on their app.
How to get started: all you need to do is enter a few details (your name, your pet’s name, age, breed, and sex) on Lemonade.com and get a quote in seconds.
Getting a quote is pawsibly the easiest thing you’ll do all day. Your best friend will thank you.