New Yorkers Can Take 2 Hours Off of Work to Vote Today

For Election & Primary Day in New York, the Empire State makes it easier for people to get out and vote by letting them carve two hours out of their workdays to go cast ballots.
According to New York State Election Law, you can take up to two hours to go vote — on the clock — without getting in trouble or losing pay.
The fine print says that an employee can take the two hours if he or she "does not have sufficient time" outside their working hours to go vote. New York defines this as being a four-hour window of time either between when the polls open and when your shift starts, or between when you punch out and the polls close for the day.
Unfortunately, if this is the first you're hearing of this provision, you might be out of luck. The law also says you have to give your boss a heads-up that you'll be taking the time off between 10 and two days before an Election or Primary Day.
However, it also says that employers have to post this rule "conspicuously" in the workplace at least 10 days beforehand. So if signage has been less than conspicuous (or absent entirely) in your workplace, you might be able to make the case to your boss that you're entitled to a couple of hours off to fulfill your civic duty.