President Trump's Attack on London Mayor

In the wake of this weekend's terrorist attack in London, President Trump took to Twitter, first spreading news reports of the attack, then boosting his calls for a "travel ban" from Muslim-majority countries, and finally continuing a personal vendetta against London's mayor. On Sunday morning Trump tweeted: "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!" He took the mayor's comments wildly out of context—and insulted a leader trying to guide his city just hours after the deadly attack. On Monday morning Trump persisted. "Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his "no reason to be alarmed" statement. MSM is working hard to sell it!" Trump also launched a tweetstorm criticizing his Justice Department's strategy in defending his beleaguered travel ban, and called on the Supreme Court to quickly overturn lower court restraining orders on his ban. "The courts are slow and political," he added. All in all it was striking response by the president to a terror attack. But as shocking as it was, it represents the new normal in presidential communication.
Trump's infrastructure push. What Trump believes on Climate Change. And the GOP sours on its healthcare chances.
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Must Reads
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Sound Off
"I have not had an opportunity to have that discussion." — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer when asked for the second time in a week whether President Trump still believes climate change is a hoax
"He's a good guy to have as my golf partner." — President Trump on Peyton Manning
Bits and Bites
President Trump Blasts Justice Department Over 'Watered Down' Travel Ban [TIME]
Putin Dismisses Claims He Has Damaging Information on Trump as 'Nonsense' [Associated Press]
President Trump Tweets 'We Need the Travel Ban' as London Attack Unfolds [TIME]
Donald Trump Supporters Hold 'Pittsburgh Not Paris' Rally [TIME]
Nikki Haley Says Donald Trump Believes 'Climate Is Changing' [CNN]
Trump, Who Pledged to Overhaul Nuclear Arsenal, Now Faces Increased Costs [New York Times]
James Mattis Calls North Korea a 'Clear and Present Danger' [Associated Press]
Robert Mueller's Russia Investigation Takes Over Paul Manafort Case [Associated Press]
GOP Senator Richard Burr: I Don't See a Health Care Plan This Year [TIME]
How the World’s Most Interesting Man Befriended the World’s Most Powerful Man [Politico]
As Seats Go Unfilled on Federal Panels, Businesses Face Uncertainty [Wall Street Journal]