Save money on Thanksgiving travel and other holiday expenses

A jump in airfares is just one of the ways this holiday season can carve a hole in your wallet.
With airlines cutting back on seats, Turkey Day fares in late September were 8.2% costlier than a year earlier, reports And that price differential could hit 20% by November. Use these travel, shopping, and giving strategies, then, to make it through 2013 with more cash left over.
More holiday tips
Fly a day less traveled. Save a bundle by avoiding the standard Wednesday-to-Sunday rush, says CheapAir CEO Jeff Klee. A Monday return, for example, cuts $90 from the $593 average domestic fare.
Get a delayed discount. Use the free deal-alert web app Hukkster to bookmark each gift you buy, and you'll be notified if the store cuts the price. Then ask for cash back. Most national retailers offer 15- or 30-day price adjustments, says co-founder Erica Bell.
Magnify your charity. Give more, painlessly, by adding a matching gift from your employer. At least $10 billion in workplace matches go unclaimed annually, though 65% of big companies offer them. Yours doesn't? Find givers who do at