When It Pays to File Early for Social Security

In deciding when to take Social Security, later is almost always better than sooner, and for good reason. Each month you defer, from your 62nd birthday to your 70th, your monthly benefits grow. That adds up to 7% to 8% higher payments for every year you delay.
Yet despite the financial incentive to wait, most people are early filers. According to a recent study by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research, 58% of men and 64% of women who claimed Social Security in 2013 had not yet reached full retirement age, which is 66 today (and 67 for those born in 1960 or later); 48% of men and 42% of women filed at 62, the youngest age at which you can claim retirement benefits.
In fact, speeding up the clock isn't always a bad choice. Here's when an early timetable makes the most sense—and when to let your benefit grow a little longer.
You really need the cash
To be able to delay Social Security once you stop collecting a paycheck, you need extra savings to hold you over. Should you retire at the traditional age of 65, postponing benefits until age 70 would mean coming up with a way to replace that benefit for four or five years. If you're a high earner and you'd end up receiving, say, $2,300 a month after delaying, you'd need at least $140,000 more in retirement savings to replace that income until you file.
That's a daunting cash hoard to assemble, even for wealthier Americans. If putting off Social Security means draining down your savings at a faster clip than the standard 4% withdrawal rate, that's a reason to claim early.
But you may have enough savings to wait just a few years. A team including Stanford researchers John Shoven and Gopi Shah Goda published a paper in 2015 concluding that two-thirds of retirees who claimed early had enough wealth to afford delaying Social Security for two years or more.
If you don't have enough money to afford delaying at all, you might want to work another few years, says Jim Blankenship, a financial planner in New Berlin, Ill. Can't do that? Then file for your benefits. You've earned them.
You're a lot younger than your spouse
If you're significantly younger than your spouse and have substantially lower earnings, early claiming might put you ahead in some situations, says Baylor University finance professor Bill Reichenstein, co-author of Social Security Strategies.