Star Wars Advance Ticket Sales Are Out of This World

Early ticket sales for Star Wars: The Force Awakens have rocketed into uncharted territory, and could soar even higher.
North American advance ticket sales have already passed the $100 million mark, according to the Hollywood Reporter, which called the amount "unheard-of" and predicted that number could eventually reach $120 million. Up to $60 million of this total is attributable to ticket sales in advance of the film's opening weekend. (The new Star Wars movie had its world premiere in Los Angeles on Monday, ahead of its release Thursday night into Friday morning.)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens broke records for advance ticket sales at both Fandango and, the Hollywood Reporter said. The film has already shot past the previous record-holder for advance ticket sales, 2012's The Dark Knight Rises, which earned $25 million in early tickets.
Although December usually isn't a month for huge blockbuster opening weekends — people have plenty of other stuff to do besides visit movie theaters — it's predicted that the new Star Wars movie could debut as high as $220 million, which would give it the biggest opening weekend of all time.