Survey: Most People Would Choose a Million Dollars Over True Love

Love or money? This Valentine's Day, it looks like money has the edge.
In a survey on romance and finances conducted by Money and SurveyMonkey, slightly more than half of respondents said they would choose $1 million per year for the rest of their lives over finding true love. The million-dollar payouts eked out an advantage over love, with 51% of the 4,447 people surveyed choosing the cash.
There were a few demographics who preferred soulmates over dollars. For example, 53% of married respondents and 55% of those in domestic partnerships or civil unions said they preferred to keep things that way.
But in every other relationship cohort, money was the winner—especially among survey participants who were divorced and separated, as well as single women and men who were cohabiting with a partner.
Before we jump to any conclusions about greed in the country, the survey revealed another interesting find. A different question asked respondents about their concern for their financial futures. Nearly 70 percent reported that they have some degree of anxiety on this front, and one third of all participants described themselves as “very” or “extremely” anxious. So it may not be all that surprising that many of the respondents said they would choose to ensure their financial futures over their romantic interests.
Maybe it’s concern over financial security, or maybe it's just love of money. But for most Americans, they'll take the cash, please.