The Internet Is Freaking Out About This Cake in the Shape of Donald Trump’s Head

UPDATE: The cake reportedly cost $7,000 (though Trump's was donated).
How does a presidential candidate celebrate election night? If you're Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a cake sculpted in your image.
The cake was spotted by the press corps as it was rolled into Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, where Trump is watching the election results with his family. Naturally, the press (and the internet) had a field day.
Naturally, the press had a field day.
There's reportedly no word on flavor (or cost) as of yet. Katherine Lam, of New York's PIX11 News, tweeted that the cake was a gift and that it was "whisked away" by security. It was reportedly moved to the Hilton, where Trump's election party will take place.
If you need a good laugh to get through the rest of the night, here are some memes to keep you going.