George H.W. Bush’s Funeral Is Today. Here’s Everything Open and Closed on the National Day of Mourning

The state funeral for former President George H.W. Bush will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 5, which has also been designated as a national day of mourning.
The George H.W. Bush funeral schedule calls for a memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., starting at 11 a.m. today. Another funeral service for President Bush is scheduled for 10 a.m. CT on Thursday, Dec. 6, at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston. He will be buried at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas.
In addition to former President's Bush's state funeral service, Wednesday is a national day of mourning. As such, flags will be flown at half-staff, and many state and federal offices are closed today. But it may be unclear exactly what businesses, schools, and government services are open or closed around the country.
Here is all the information you need if you're wondering if the post office is open, or if the stock market, banks, and stores are open or closed on the national day of mourning today to remember George H.W. Bush.
Is the Post Office Open Today? Will Mail Be Delivered?
To observe the national day of mourning for former President Bush on Wednesday, Dec. 5, post offices are closed and no regular mail will be delivered. The Postal Service says some packages may be delivered today, though services are limited. FedEx and UPS are expected to be making deliveries and hosting normal business hours on Wednesday.
Is the Stock Market Open or Closed on the National Day of Mourning?
The New York Stock Exchange and other major stock exchanges in the U.S. are closed for the national day of mourning on Wednesday, Dec. 5.
Are Federal Offices Open or Closed Today?
To honor former President Bush, federal government offices are closed on Wednesday and non-essential federal employees have the day off from work.
In some cases, state government offices are closed today as well. For example, Maine Governor Paul R. LePage issued a statement closing all executive branch offices and giving non-essential executive branch state workers the day off on Wednesday in observance of the national day of mourning. Governors in Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, and Texas, among others, have also issued executive orders to close state government offices on Wednesday to honor President Bush. Check your state government's website to see if state offices and services are open or closed today.
Are Schools Open or Closed Today for the Bush Funeral?
For the most part, schools and colleges are open today like normal. But some schools are closed on Wednesday. Classes are canceled today and most workers have the day off at University of Nebraska campuses and Wichita State University, to name a couple of examples. Check with your school or college to verify if it is open today.
Also, the entire Texas A&M University campus is closed to the public and classes are canceled on Thursday, Dec. 6. Why? The campus is home to the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, and former President Bush will be laid to rest there on Thursday.
Are Banks Open or Closed on the National Day of Mourning?
Certain banks may be closed on Wednesday, but it seems like nearly all banks are open with normal business hours. Call your local bank or check its website to see if it is open or closed.
Are Restaurants and Stores Open Today?
Yes, for the most part. While there may be a few exceptions here and there, nearly all stores and restaurants have normal business hours on Wednesday, Dec. 5.