The Brilliant Way Slackers Can Give to Charity and Clean Out Their Closets

This time of year, many of us think about charitable donations--as well as cleaning out closets and attics. If you'd like to donate clothes or other items but don't have a good way to get to a charity that accepts such donations (or if you just don't feel like lugging a bunch of boxes or bags across town), this new service was tailor-made for you.
Give Back Box will pay for the cost of shipping goods you'd like to donate to Goodwill. The service even provides you with a receipt, although it's still wise to make an itemized list for your records, and take photos of anything especially valuable like designer clothes or a fur coat.
There's no weight limit on what you can give to Goodwill through the service, so feel free to donate your old CD collection or mixmaster. The only things you can't put in a box and ship through Give Back Box are liquids, fragile things, hazardous or volatile items, including ammunition.
You need to provide your own box, but that's about the extent of the legwork on your part. Use an Amazon, Blue Apron or other sturdy cardboard box, and pull off or black out the shipping information. Give Back Box will email you a prepaid shipping label that will route your unwanted stuff to a nearby Goodwill. You can either drop the box off at a post office or UPS location, or schedule a pickup through the U.S. Post Office.
Read Next: 10 Ways to Give to Charity When You're Short on Cash