Rejoice: Toys R Us Has a New Batch of Hatchimals for Sale

Desperate parents, your holiday season prayers have been answered. Hatchimals, the extremely popular furry interactive hatchable toy that's been sold out in stores around the world for weeks, will be available for sale again at normal retail price ($60) this Sunday, December 4.
As CNBC first reported—and we've since been able to confirm directly—Toys R Us stores will have fresh supplies of Hatchimals ready for sale when they open at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. The toy store chain will also be restocked on Sunday with old-school Nintendo NES Classic Edition consoles, which like Hatchimals have been extremely difficult for shoppers to find in stores.
"Our stores are receiving shipments of both holiday must-haves to support and we expect that when stores open at 8am (on Sunday), they will sell very quickly," a Toys R Us statement explained.
The Toys R Us representative could not provide specifics in terms of how many Hatchimals or Nintendo systems would be for sale in each store, but did confirm that the arrival of new supplies of the products is "happening at all Toys'R'Us stores nationwide."
Read Next: Everything You Need to Know About Hatchimals, The Season's Must-Have Hot Toy
The frenzy over Hatchimals kicked off weeks before Black Friday, with many shoppers frustrated that they were impossible to find in stores even in early November. Meanwhile, some lucky opportunistic entrepreneurs who predicted the craze and scooped up Hatchimals early have been make a killing auctioning the toys off to desperate parents for three or four times the original $50-$60 price.
Bear in mind that even though stores will be restocked with Hatchimals, it still won't be easy to get your hands on them. According to the holiday shopping experts at, Hatchimals will only appear on shelves in "select" Toys R Us stores on Sunday, and there will be a strict one-Hatchimals-per-person limit. The site suggests getting hold of your local Toys R Us weekly flyer to see if your nearest store is indeed expected to have Hatchimals on hand. Shoppers will also probably have to line up very early on Sunday morning to have a prayer of buying one of the (likely few) Hatchimals before they sell out. reports that it has heard rumors that Target stores will have Hatchimals available for sale on Sunday too, but this information is unconfirmed. We'll report back once we hear anything for sure.
Read Next: These 2 Brothers Predicted the Hatchimal Craze In October, and Now They’re Cashing In
Oh, and if you were hoping for the possibility of buying Hatchimals online at normal prices, sorry, you're out of luck. Toys R Us says Hatchimals will be for sale "in-store only."
So if you want to buy online, you're stuck with eBay, Amazon Marketplace, or other resale sites, where Hatchimals are selling for $150 and up lately.