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How to Remove MiraMed Revenue Group from Your Credit Report

Has MiraMed Revenue Group contacted you about a past-due medical debt balance? Once this collection agency reports that your account has gone to collections, it can have a negative effect on your credit score. Fortunately, you can get MiraMed Revenue Group off your credit report by following the strategies in this article.

About MiraMed Revenue Group

MiraMed Revenue Group LLC has been in business for over 25 years and has its headquarters in Lombard, Illinois.

MiraMed Revenue Group helps healthcare providers collect past-due debt balances and offers business process outsourcing to organizations in the healthcare industry.

MiraMed Revenue Group also operates as M2 Revenue Group and can appear on your credit report as Miramed collection agency, Miramed rev group llc, Miramed revenue, Miramedrg, Miravie collection, Mmrgpayment com or MiraMedrg.com.

Is MiraMed Revenue Group legit?

Many people wonder if MiraMed Revenue Group is a scam, but it’s a legitimate, third-party debt collector, and if it contacts you, it’s because it believes you owe it money. If you receive phone calls, emails or letters from this agency, don't ignore them. Instead, deal with the situation ASAP and stop MiraMed Revenue Group from harming your credit score.

How does MiraMed Revenue Group work?

MiraMed Revenue Group acts as a third party to collect debt on behalf of hospitals and clinics. It profits when patients who owe money make payments. If you forget about a bill from a hospital, doctor’s office or health network, the healthcare provider can send your account information to MiraMed Revenue Group.

Unless you request otherwise, it then has the right to contact you by phone, mail or email using your contact information from the original creditor until you pay off the debt.

MiraMed Revenue Group and your credit score

A negative item can remain on your credit report for up to seven years, even if you pay the outstanding balance. The effects of a collection account will decrease with time, but derogatory marks can do ongoing damage and make it harder to get loans, credit cards and good interest rates. You can avoid this and ensure that MiraMed Revenue Group stops contacting you and removes the derogatory mark that’s pulling down your credit score by following the steps below.

3 ways to remove MiraMed Revenue Group from your credit report

It may seem easier to simply ignore the calls and letters from MiraMed Revenue Group, but delaying will cost you more, limit your options and complicate the situation. The strategies below can help you remove this collection agency from your credit report quickly and easily:

1. Request debt validation

The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) gives you the right to ask MiraMed Revenue Group to prove you owe the debt, but you must request this within 30 days of it first contacting you. The key to debt validation is acting quickly.

It’s possible that you paid the bill to the original creditor, agreed to a payment plan or that the company has your personal information by mistake. It's up to MiraMed Revenue Group to produce proof that you owe the debt and that the information relating to the debt on your credit report is accurate.

If MiraMed Revenue Group can’t validate the debt, it must remove the negative entry from your credit report and stop contacting you. If it does provide accurate documentation showing that you owe the money or if the 30 days elapse, you'll need to move on to step two.

2. Negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement

If your 30-day window to request debt validation closes or MiraMed Revenue Group provides documentation that the debt is yours, your next step is to negotiate a payment on the balance due. Even if you can afford it, paying the balance will do little to improve your credit score. Instead, make your payment contingent on MiraMed Revenue Group removing the negative item from your credit history. This is a pay-for-delete agreement.

If you can't afford to pay the full balance, negotiate. Offer to pay half the debt in exchange for the removal of the collections account. It’s possible that MiraMed Revenue Group will agree because anything you pay profits the agency.

It's important to get the pay-for-delete agreement in writing. An agent may agree to your terms and accept your payment over the phone, but if the company doesn't remove your collections account, you have no way to prove the existence of the agreement. Writing and sending letters takes longer, but this old-fashioned practice also protects you.

If your credit report doesn’t reflect your payment after 30 days, write to MiraMed Revenue Group again. You should also contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) if you think MiraMed Revenue Group is violating the law.

3. Use a credit repair company

Regardless of whether you forget about a $100 balance from a doctor’s appointment or owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital debt, dealing with MiraMed Revenue Group takes time and energy. While the strategies above may produce the desired result, you can also get professional help.

Professional credit repair companies, such as Credit Saint and Lexington Law Firm, are there to help in these situations. A credit repair company is ideal if you prefer to pay a monthly fee for someone else to do the legwork. The staff at Lexington Law Firm specialize in disputing debts, negotiating payments and bolstering credit scores.

Regardless of which approach you decide to take, don’t wait another day to respond to MiraMed Revenue Group. Reach out to it directly or employ the services of a credit repair company and start improving your financial wellbeing.

Dealing with MiraMed Revenue Group

MiraMed Revenue Group LLC has many complaints on file with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the CFPB. Some complaints relate to the collection agency’s communication tactics, inaccurate reporting and failure to respond to requests for debt validation. However, it has an A+ rating with the BBB, which indicates it responds to customer complaints.

Before you deal with MiraMed Revenue Group, make time to familiarize yourself with the FDCPA and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FDCPA prevents collections agencies from engaging in unethical collection practices and dictates when and how they can contact you. For example, you can request a debt collector to stop calling you at work or at certain times.

It’s always advisable to communicate with a debt collector in writing so that you have written documentation of your conversations. If you need to file a complaint with the CFPB in the future, you’ll have proof to back up your claim. Getting everything in writing is the most effective way to ensure the removal of a collection account from your credit report, and receiving written letters isn’t as intrusive as getting phone calls.

How to contact MiraMed Revenue Group

You can send a debt validation letter, a request for a pay-for-delete arrangement or other correspondence to:

MiraMed Revenue Group, LLC

360 E 22nd Street
Lombard, IL 60148

You can also visit the agency's website at www.miramedrg.com. The site has a link for online payments. However, if you pay a bill this way, you'll lose your bargaining leverage with MiraMed Revenue Group and limit your chances of it removing the collection account from your report with the three major credit bureaus. The phone number for MiraMed Revenue Group is 866-910-2607, and you can also send emails to contact@miramedrg.com.

Can MiraMed Revenue Group sue me?

Yes, according to U.S. law, MiraMed Revenue Group has the right to sue you for repayment of debt, assuming the debt is within the statute of limitations for debt in your state. If the company does sue you, don’t panic. It’s possible to solve the situation using the strategies in this article.

Ongoing lawsuits are costly, and often, debt collection companies use the threat of a lawsuit to encourage you to pay up. It’s important to know that MiraMed Revenue Group doesn’t have the legal authority to arrest you or prosecute you within the criminal justice system.

The CFPB protects consumers. Understanding your rights will help you negotiate with MiraMed Revenue Group.

Update: This article has been updated to remove unverifiable information.

Disclaimer: This story was originally published on July 13, 2020, on BetterCreditBlog.org. To find the most relevant information concerning collections or credit card inquiries, please visit: https://money.com/how-to-remove-collections-from-credit-report/ or https://money.com/get-items-removed-from-credit-report/
