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How to Remove Waypoint Resource Group from Your Credit Report

If you’re receiving phone calls from Waypoint Resource Group, you probably have an unpaid debt hanging over your head. It also means there’s an open Waypoint Resource Group collection account on your credit report. It’s unpleasant to deal with, but a negative entry on your credit report can mean trouble for your credit score.

A collection account on your report can damage your credit health. Future lenders can access this information and deny you loans based on your credit history. Therefore, it’s important to remove any negative entries on your report to improve your future financial opportunities.

What is Waypoint Resource Group?

Originating in 2012, Waypoint Resource Group, LLC, is a medium-sized debt collection company with headquarters in Round Rock, Texas. It collects debts primarily from automotive lenders, telecommunication companies, utility suppliers and health care providers.

You may initially think that it’s a scam, but it’s a legitimate business. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s pleasant to work with. Waypoint Resource Group currently has about 176 complaints in 2021 against it on file with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and about 148 complaints in the last three years with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). These complaints relate to harassment, inaccurate reporting and failing to validate debt information, which are all in direct violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) consumer protection law.

Steps to remove Waypoint Resource Group from your credit report

A collection entry can cause your credit score to drop by as much as 100 points if you don’t deal with it, so it’s important to remove the entry ASAP. You can use the following strategies to remove Waypoint Resource Group from your credit report:

Ask for a goodwill deletion

If you pay the debt in question, you can try to delete it from your credit report by requesting a goodwill deletion. A goodwill deletion is when you pay the debt in exchange for the removal of the collection account from your credit report. Ask Waypoint Resource Group for a goodwill deletion by writing a letter that explains your late payments and why you want to remove the account. Include any change in circumstances contributing to your debt, such as a job loss or illness, and your reason for requesting the removal. Make sure your letter is sincere and polite; if your letter is too demanding, Waypoint Resource Group will probably ignore your request.

Send a debt validation letter

Estimates show that one out of five Americans experiences credit report errors, which may mean that some of the information on your credit report doesn’t belong to you. When a debt collector contacts you about payments, it’s important to verify the debt is yours so you don’t foot the bill for someone else’s debt.

Send Waypoint Resource Group a debt validation letter asking for verification of information such as the name on the debt, the amount and the date of debt acquisition. It's advisable to send it via U.S.P.S Certified Mail to create a paper trail for your protection. If an agent makes an offer over the phone, don’t make an agreement without asking for it in writing.

This is a time-sensitive step, and most companies have a 30-day verification policy. If you wait more than 30 days after Waypoint Resource Group first contacts you, you may not get a response. It should respond with documentation proving that the debt is accurate and belongs to you.

Read through each page carefully and make a note of any information that seems inconsistent. If you find anything that contradicts your information, you can file a dispute with the major credit bureaus. They’ll investigate and delete the entry if they agree that Waypoint Resource Group’s entry is inaccurate, which may prevent you from paying the debt altogether.

Make a pay-for-delete agreement

If you can’t remove the entry on the basis of inaccurate reporting, your next step is to negotiate a settlement with Waypoint Resource Group. A pay-for-delete settlement is a relatively straightforward concept; essentially, you agree to pay Waypoint Resource Group a portion of the debt in exchange for the deletion of the collection account from your credit report.

A collection agency is typically hesitant to make this type of deal, but it may give in if it’s desperate for your payment. You can start by offering to pay half of the balance and negotiate until you reach a compromise; make sure it’s agreeing to remove the account and not to change the status of the account.

Ask for written documentation of the deal that details the terms, and don’t pay Waypoint Resource Group until you get this document and approve of the wording. After you make your first payment, wait 30 days before checking your credit report. If Waypoint Resource Group still appears as an entry, contact it to ensure it upholds its end of the bargain.

Hire a professional

If you’re struggling to make progress, consider contacting a credit repair company for help. A credit repair company can help you remove any negative marks on your credit report by communicating and negotiating with Waypoint Resource Group directly. In addition to removing dings on your credit report, credit repair companies can help you improve your credit score. They understand the ins and outs of the debt collection industry and specialize in negotiating with companies such as Waypoint Resource Group.

It's important to work with a reputable company that has a history of success in dealing with companies like Waypoint Resource Group and helping customers get their credit reports back on track.

Waypoint Resource Group contact information

The contact details for Waypoint Resource Group are as follows:

Address of headquarters: 301 Sundance Pkwy, Round Rock, TX 78681-8004
Mailing address: P.O. Box 8588 Round Rock, TX 78683-8588
Phone number: 866-447-4163
Website: www.waypoint.com

May appear on report as: Trellis Company or Trellis Holding

Dealing with Waypoint Resource Group

No one enjoys dealing with debt collectors, but it’s worth it to get rid of damaging accounts on your credit report. By taking the proper steps before you make payments on your debt, you can ensure the deletion of Waypoint Resource Group from your credit report.

Update: This article has been updated to reflect the current number of BBB and CFPB complaints against Waypoint Resource Group and their current contact information.

Disclaimer: This story was originally published on September 14, 2020, on BetterCreditBlog.org. To find the most relevant information concerning collections or credit card inquiries, please visit: https://money.com/how-to-remove-collections-from-credit-report/ or https://money.com/get-items-removed-from-credit-report/
