Borrowers in This State Have the Lowest Student Loan Debt

A new analysis from evaluated the best and worst states for student loan borrowers to repay their debts and found that Utah residents have the lowest average student debt and the second-lowest student loan debt as a percentage of income. It also has low unemployment for young adults.
Managing student loan payments can be a tricky balancing act for recent college graduates. They might seek out a high-paying job so they can stay current on their monthly payments, but that can backfire if that employer is located in a place where the cost of living is so high it leaves them scrambling to pay their bills at the end of the month.
"Post-college success depends on numerous factors, including where a graduate chooses to put down roots," WalletHub said. Its analysis looks at nine metrics including how indebted students are, the unemployment rate for adults between 25 and 34 years old and what percentage of borrowers are in default on their student loans.
Overall, Western states tend to confer the biggest advantages. In addition to Utah, the top five includes Wyoming, North Dakota and Nevada — the only outlier is Virginia. On the flip side, the Northeast is a challenging region for borrowers; the bottom five slots on WalletHub's list include Pennsylvania, Maine, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.
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