You Can Now Listen to Money’s Retire With Money Newsletter as a Podcast

Over the last year, Money's Retire With Money newsletter has expanded to twice a week, launched a growing Facebook group, a live-event series — and now, an audio format available on pretty much every device you can think of. Starting today, you can get Retire With Money on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Home, with Amazon's Alexa on deck.
There will be two types of ways you can listen, depending on the day of the week: on Tuesdays and Fridays, when the email newsletter comes out, listen to the introduction and featured article; on other weekdays, listen to one featured story per day. It's the same content that you've come to expect in our regular newsletter— like stories on how to plan for a marathon retirement, the best places to retire in the United States, or the latest on the FIRE movement — but read aloud so you can listen on your commute or when you're preparing dinner or relaxing around the house.
Here's how to listen:
On Google Play, listeners can access content by clicking this link or searching for "Retire with Money" in their Google Play app to listen/subscribe.
On Alexa Flash Briefing, search "Retire with Money Briefing" in your Alexa app. To enable, simply say to your Alexa device, "Alexa, what's my flash briefing?"
And if you're not already a part of the Facebook group and email newsletter, join now!
Listen to a sample below: