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Retire With Money: Your Social Security Timing is Critical

Chad Griffith
- Chad Griffith
Chad Griffith

It’s hard to overstate the importance of the timing of your Social Security claim—the longer you wait to start benefits, the more your eventual monthly check grows, sometimes by 25% or more. But many workers don’t fully understand the implications of their decision and claim as soon as they can. The Social Security Administration should make it very clear how much early claiming may cost you. Yet the agency’s customer representatives frequently provide inconsistent or inaccurate information, a new government study finds. In speaking with individuals, they also tend to ignore the impact of the filing decision on a spouse and dependents. If you plan to claim Social Security, you need to fully understand how your benefits, and those of your family members, are affected by the timing of your claim. And consider adjusting your withdrawal strategy or working a bit longer so you can afford to delay. Where else can you get a government-guaranteed, inflation-adjusted income stream that lasts a lifetime?

Best wishes,


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These 13 States Tax Social Security Benefits

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8 Brutal Truths About Retirement

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A Conservative Retirement Portfolio in 3 Buckets

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Alzheimer’s Can Mean Steep Costs for Caregivers

If you are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, you are likely to spend a lot more than if you were helping an elder with other needs. Medicare does not cover most long-term care costs, so unless your family member qualifies for Medicaid, most of the bills must be paid out of pocket. So check out the advice in our package of stories on Alzheimer’s. Money

Why a 70-Year-Old Retiree Went Back to Work—as an Intern

Perhaps you happened to see the movie “The Intern,” which featured Robert De Niro working for an e-commerce start-up. Turns out, there’s a real life counterpart. Paul Critchlow, a high level communications executive, had retired but felt unsatisfied. Writer David Zak reports on Critchlow’s experience interning alongside college kids at Pfizer. It’s a long read, but it will have you thinking about how you’ll be spending your time in retirement. FAST COMPANY


The One Big Advantage of a 457 Retirement Account

Q: What is the smart play on my 457(b) retirement plan, which has a $600,000 balance? I’m retiring at 54 and wonder if I should roll it over into an IRA or keep it in the 457(b).—Brett in Atlanta

A: You raise an interesting point for savers in 457(b) plans. These defined-contribution retirement savings plans are offered to public-sector employees and are similar to other employer-sponsored plans like 401(k)s in many respects—save for one big difference. READ MORE


“You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.”

Poet William Blake

