Someone at Rolls-Royce Has Been Reading Too Much Fifty Shades of Grey

Here's a snippet of a steamy new thriller that came across our desks this week:
In its tentative, inchoate, anticipatory state, dawn is the world coming to light from the ethereal dark of the night. The early-day chill of dawn provides an erotic tingle on the skin, awakening the senses and passions as the day begins.
It gets even more hot-and-bothered later on, when the prose reaches something of a climax:
It excites both men and women – they want it, they need it and they want to immerse themselves in it. It is languid and beautiful, fresh and fragrant and awakens the passion of your life.
What exactly is "it"? Without knowing any better, our guesses would have included the Apple Watch, the new Frito-shell taco at Taco Bell, and Ryan Gosling. Oh, and, you know, sex. But we would have been wrong on all accounts. Instead, "it" is the Rolls-Royce Dawn, a "beguilingly visceral" model that "promises a striking, seductive encounter."
The new Dawn (get it?) is a modern tweak on the Silver Dawn, a model released by Rolls-Royce in the mid-20th century. The auto brand is describing the new model as "an exciting and sensuous drophead," which means it's a convertible, in American-speak.
It's unclear how much the Dawn will cost, but presumably Christian Grey, the kinky billionaire from Fifty Shades of Grey, could afford one. Based on Rolls-Royce's sales pitch—"New life, new possibilities, fresh horizons – a tingling, anticipatory ambience in the air – all signified by a new Dawn"—he just might want one.