12% of Black Friday Shoppers Will Be Drunk (and More Crazy Facts About the Holiday Frenzy)

Read on for answers to the above, as well as other nuggets about what's in store for consumers during the annual Thanksgiving-Black Friday weekend shopping extravaganza.
Less Than 5% The average discount on Black Friday for 6,000 items tracked last year by the deal-hunting site ShopAdvisor; researchers found that the average discount during the holiday period was highest on December 18 (17.5%).
5 Number of hours that RadioShack will shut down on Thanksgiving (noon to 5 p.m.); it had originally planned to stay open from 8 a.m. to midnight, but decided to close during the middle of the day after receiving complaints from employees.
10 Number of employees at a Virginia Best Buy whose sole job is to restock items as soon as there are gaps on store shelves on Black Friday.
12% Proportion of Thanksgiving Day shoppers who admit to hitting the stores on the holiday while under the influence of alcohol, according to a survey conducted on the behalf of the coupon site RetailMeNot.
16% vs. 50% Respectively, the percentages of shoppers ages 55+ and 18 to 24 and who think it's "a great idea" for stores to be open on Thanksgiving.
22 Number of days before Black Friday that two women in California began camping out at a Best Buy in order to be first in line for deals. They hope to buy a cheap TV.
25% Amount of extra trash thrown away by Americans during the Thanksgiving-New Year's period, compared to any other time of the year.
28% vs. 32% Percentages of women and men, respectively, who plan on spending $250 to $500 on Black Friday (yes, more guys than girls).
At Least 3 Dozen Number of national retailers, including Costco, Bloomingdale's, Dillard's, and Nordstrom, that have decided to stay closed on Thanksgiving.
38% Percentage of shoppers who plan on purchasing holiday gifts with credit cards, up from 28.5% last year and the highest level recorded since the National Retail Federation has asked the question in surveys.
39% Proportion of Americans who feel pressured to spend more than they can afford during the holiday season.
42 Number of consecutive hours that Kmart stores will be open, starting at 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving and lasting through midnight on Black Friday.
70% Percentage of consumers who say that stores should be closed on Thanksgiving this year, up from 60% in 2012.
70% Percentage of consumers who say that Black Friday is meaningless because "there will be more sales throughout the holidays."
71% Percentage of consumers who say they may not like the gift they receive over the holidays.
96% Percentage of consumers who say that discounts are important to their shopping decisions during the holidays, up from 94% last year—and three in ten say that they'll hold out for discounts of 50% or more before making a purchase.
$407 Average amount spent by consumers over Thanksgiving weekend in 2013, down 4% compared to the year before.
$450 Minimum you must spend at one of two malls in southern California in order to receive a free Uber ride home, starting on Black Friday and stretching through Christmas Eve.
140 Million Estimated number of consumers who will shop in stores or online this weekend, according to the National Retail Federation, roughly the same as the expectations leading into the 2013 Thanksgiving-Black Friday period.