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What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

We've all been there, eating a snack while our dog lays nearby and wondering if we can toss one tasty morsel their way. A piece of fruit is harmless, right? Yes and no. Our doggies' bodies are complex, and while many fruits are healthy treats, others can trigger life-threatening issues.

In an emergency, pet poison control is just a phone call away (including helplines covered by pet insurance), but being informed and taking preventative measures are always the best approaches.

Keep reading to learn which fruits are safe for dogs to eat and which are best to reserve for your own cravings.

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What fruits can dogs eat?

Fruits are a great way to add dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties to your pooch's diet.

Feel free to cut, freeze or purée the following fruits into tasty homemade snacks (a great way to save money on pets).


Refreshing watermelon is one of the best fruits to give your dog. This low-calorie fruit is 92% water, so it's a great way to keep your dog hydrated. It's also rich in potassium and contains vitamins A, B-6 and C. To prepare it, remove the rind and all the seeds, then cut it into chunks or freeze it for a refreshing treat on a hot summer day.


A bite of cantaloupe contains vitamins A and C, plus potassium, niacin, folate and beta-carotene. And just like watermelon, cantaloupe is an excellent hydrator (89% of the fruit is water). Just remember to remove the rind and seeds whenever you want to treat your dog to cantaloupe.


Blueberries are great treats for your dog. These subtly sweet and tart snacks are low in calories and high in antioxidants and phytochemicals that support your dog's immune system. A study from the University of Alaska even suggests that eating blueberries before vigorous exercise may help dogs recover faster than dogs that didn't eat any.


Like blueberries, strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, fiber, manganese, folate, potassium and magnesium. Your dog may also get whiter teeth thanks to malic acid, a teeth-whitening enzyme in the fruit. To prepare strawberry snacks, wash and remove the core and cut them into bite-sized pieces.


Fresh and dried cranberries are safe for your dog to eat in moderation. These tart berries contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamins B1 and B2. They are also rich in fiber and various antioxidants. Before sharing the dried version with your pup, make sure the cranberries are unsweetened. Most commercial brands add a lot of sugar to counter the cranberry's natural tartness, and these are much too sweet for a dog.


The flesh and the skin of an apple — packed with vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and fiber — are safe for dogs to eat as long as you remove the seeds and core altogether. Dogs can also eat small amounts of applesauce if it's unsweetened and free of artificial coloring and preservatives.


Peaches require a little preparation to remove the inedible and toxic parts. You'll need to remove the fuzz, leaves, stem and, most importantly, the peach pit. The flesh of the peach is perfectly safe for dogs to eat and is a healthy snack, rich in vitamins and other minerals.


Raspberries and blackberries are rich in fiber, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins and trace minerals like manganese, magnesium, potassium and iron. To give your dog either of these berries, pick fresh fruit with the core removed and offer it only as an occasional treat. Both berries contain xylitol, a naturally occurring sweetener that's toxic to dogs if ingested regularly and in large amounts.


Bananas are high in potassium and vitamin C as well as vitamin B6, magnesium, biotin and copper. However, the high sugar content of bananas offsets its health benefits, so it's best as an occasional treat and only in small quantities. Too much sugar (even if it's naturally derived) can damage your dog's teeth, cause digestive issues and trigger chronic conditions like diabetes.


Just like bananas, this pitted fruit has a high sugar content and shouldn't be fed to dogs in large quantities. To prepare the treats, remove the peel and the pit and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Give your dog a small amount first and watch for signs of stomach upset, as mangos are also high in fiber. Small amounts of fiber can relieve constipation, but an excess may lead to unwanted digestive problems.


Feel free to give your dog small pieces of freshly cut pineapple. They can eat the soft flesh of this tropical fruit but not the core, rind or crown, which are inedible and may cause problems in the digestive system. Pineapple's high water content also makes for a tasty frozen treat. That said, fresh pineapple is very high in sugar and best given in moderation. Avoid the sugary canned counterpart — even those packed in juice instead of syrup.


Most dogs don't crave the tart and bitter taste of citrus fruits. And though we prize oranges for their star nutrient, vitamin C, dogs don't need to eat their vitamin C — their bodies already make the necessary amount.

If your pup wants a bite of something citrusy, you can safely share a small piece of orange (peeled and seedless), but watch out for signs of an upset stomach. Too much orange can spike your dog's blood sugar level, and the fruit's citric acid and fiber content may disrupt digestion.

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What fruits can dogs not eat?

Most dog owners know that giving their pup chocolate is dangerous, but certain fruits can be just as damaging to your dog's health. Here are the fruits dog owners should avoid giving as treats.

Grapes, raisins and currants

Grapes, raisins and currants are very toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure if ingested. Researchers haven't yet identified which part of these fruits is so toxic, though recent studies point to a potential culprit: tartaric acid.

Pits, seeds and stones

Dogs shouldn't eat apple seeds or the pits and stones of fruits such as peaches, apricots, cherries and plums. These parts contain small amounts of cyanide, a toxin that, in high amounts, keeps your blood cells from getting necessary oxygen. Pits and stones are also choking hazards that can cause intestinal blockages and damage your dog's digestive tract if ingested (even small pieces).


The avocado plant — from its leaves and bark to the skin, flesh and seed of its fruit — contains persin. This toxin induces poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and heart problems if ingested in large amounts.

Lemons, limes and grapefruit

It's best to keep lemons and limes away from your dog. The concentrated amounts of citric acid and the presence of compounds and essential oils such as limonene, linalool and psoralen can wreak havoc in their body.

A dog may be fine after eating a small piece of grapefruit (without rind), but this fruit also has a significant amount of citric acid and essential oils. Feeding your dog grapefruit isn't worth the risk, especially when you can try so many other safe fruits.

What to do if your dog eats something toxic

Contact your vet as soon as possible if you suspect your pet ingested grapes or the pit of a peach or cherry. The toxicity of the fruit depends on your dog's weight and how much they ingested, so make sure to let your vet know the following, if possible:

Symptoms of poisoning in a dog

Watch out for these signs of acute poisoning in dogs:

A pet poison helpline is the next best option if the veterinary clinic is out of reach. Note that you'll have to pay a consultation fee, even if it's just to confirm that your dog will be ok. While the price of a simple phone call may seem steep, consider that a quick consultation might save you an unnecessary — and more expensive — trip to the emergency clinic.

How to treat dog poisoning

Emergency care for poisoning depends on your dog's symptoms, what they ate and when. If your pup ate a toxic fruit no more than two hours ago, your veterinarian might safely induce vomiting using salt water, hydrogen peroxide or ipecac syrup, an over-the-counter emetic drug.

Inducing vomiting may not be possible if more than two hours have passed or if whatever your dog ate can damage their esophagus and throat on the way up. Instead, your veterinarian will likely focus on managing symptoms and reducing your dog's pain while their body processes the toxin.

The vet may flush the substance out of the stomach and administer charcoal therapy, IV fluids and pain meds. Your dog may also need additional medications to manage seizures and control their heart rate.

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How much fruit can dogs eat?

90% of a dog's caloric intake should come from regular, balanced meals in the form of commercial or prescription dog food or a home-cooked diet under the guidance of a veterinary nutritionist. That leaves 10% for the good stuff: treats, jerky, cookies, fruits and vegetables.

The Clinical Nutrition Team at Tufts Veterinary School recommends using The Pet Nutrition Alliance's calorie calculator to determine how many calories your pet should eat daily.

Let's take the following example:

A dog with an ideal weight of 50 pounds needs to consume 1,018 calories a day. That means your dog should get 916 calories from regular kibble, leaving 101 calories for fruits and other treats.

Here's the amount of treats a 50-pound dog can enjoy without exceeding its daily caloric needs:

Fruit or treat serving


½ cup of diced watermelon


¼ cup sliced strawberries


¼ cup sliced banana


17 pieces of Zuke's Salmon Mini Bites


Total calories from treats


Of course, this calculator is best for dogs that are already at a healthy weight and don't display signs of obesity or malnutrition. We encourage you to seek veterinary guidance to create a diet plan for underweight or overweight dogs.

What fruits can dogs eat FAQs
What fruits are toxic to dogs?
Grapes, raisins and currants are some of the most toxic fruits to dogs. Just a small amount of these seemingly harmless fruits can cause irreversible kidney damage and failure in your canine buddy. Other fruits to avoid are avocados and the seeds, pits and stones of fruits like apricots, peaches and cherries.
What fruits can dogs eat safely?
Blueberries, strawberries and watermelon (without rind or seeds) are safe for dogs to eat, as long as these treats don't exceed 10% of their daily caloric needs. There are other fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat, with some preparation and in controlled portions so that they don't ingest excess sugar or toxic parts. You can serve your pup small bites of peaches, apricots, apples, pears and pineapples after removing any seeds, pits and skin from the fruit.
What vegetables can dogs eat?
Veggies are a great source of vitamins and essential minerals. Plus you don't have to worry as much about added sugar. Dogs can eat superfoods such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, green beans, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.

Vegetables to avoid include onion, garlic, shallots, chives, wild mushrooms and unripe tomatoes

Summary of Money's What Fruits Can Dogs Eat

Fruits are a great way to give your dog a sweet treat with beneficial nutrients. The golden rule is to make sure that these snacks don't add too much sugar to your dog's diet and don't exceed 10% of their daily calories.

Blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries make great dog treats: they're low in calories, great for hydration and packed with essential nutrients.

Fruits such as bananas, pineapple and mangos are best in small amounts due to their high sugar content. Raspberries and blackberries are also best in moderation to prevent xylitol poisoning.

Toxic fruits to avoid include:

If your dog accidentally eats any of these, call your vet or pet poison control as soon as possible.
