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tacos on a blue background like wallpaper
What would you do with $1,000? "1,000 tacos from Taco Bell," of course.
Alamy; Photo illustration by Sarina Finkelstein for Money

Every year, Money takes stock of the current economy and asks, What are the smartest things to do with $1,000 right now? (Also $10,000, and $100,000, for anyone lucky enough to have that kind of cash to spare.) From investing in shares of Google to purchasing a new work wardrobe, our recommendations are certainly great ones. But many people already have their own ideas for what they would do if they came upon $1,000 extra dollars today. So we asked you to share your suggestions via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Here's what you told us:

What Would You Do With $1,000?

From helping loved ones to throwing a cool party, people have some great ideas on how to spend a grand.

  1. A lot of you said you'd treat yourself (and others).

  2. A lot of you said you'd treat yourself (and others).

    Kyle Fletcher@TheKyleFletcher

    @Money #IfIHad1000 I'd probably order extra guacamole.



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 17:02:33

    Benjamin Joseph Reed

    1000 tacos from Taco Bell



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 15:52:10

    Jennifer Leigh

    Invest it. And maybe buy a cute pair of shoes. 🙂



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:13:43

    Randy Makimoto

    Take my wife and kids on a family vacation, so we could all spend some quality family time togeather.



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 15:54:09

    Victor Gibson

    Pizza party



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:03:36

    Nancy Waller@44Nancy

    @Money #IfIHad1000 I would treat my friends to a wonderful dinner, and I would also take my kids on a family vacation.



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:19:30

    Keshav Soni

    Buy the DSLR i have been waiting to buy since ages. 🙁



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:31:45

    Michael Shannon

    Buy a kayak and a elliptical workout machine



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 22:42:23

    While others told us that they'd help out loved ones, family, and friends.

    Carole Excell@lovemebrownin

    @Money @TIME #IfIHad1000 I would help with forming a music band with kids with #autism in our school for our variety show



    Fri, Sep 11 2015 15:28:23


    @Money give it to my father who is struggling to make ends meet. #IfIHad1000



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 23:24:36

    Moreno Juice

    help my mom out. she really need new glasses 🙁



    Fri, Sep 11 2015 14:22:09

    Kyle Bennett@kylebennett99

    @Money @TIME #IfIHad1000 I'd sponsor a kid for summer learning @liveunitedri



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:24:28

    Barbara Davis

    Take my Mom on a nice long weekend trip and invest the rest. Mom survived a brain aneurysm last month.....she deserves it



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:01:34

    A couple people said that they'd buy a furry friend.

    Joseph Schaefer@JSchaefer513

    @Money I would put it towards our "puppy fund"! #IfIHad1000



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:39:34

    Katie O'Leary@Kataay17

    #ifihad1000 I'd get a corgi @mattbemer @CrazyLegsCustis @Money



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:19:10

    And we spotted some folks that take Money's advice to heart.

    Dale Shimasaki

    put into my kids 529 plan



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 22:58:12

    Wyatt Johnson@wyattmj

    #IfIHad1000 I'd start a mutual fund for my daughter, to teach her about investing



    Tue, Sep 15 2015 00:26:07

    George Nuno

    Retire...what, not enough? Ok then probably simply put it away in my emergency fund.



    Fri, Sep 11 2015 14:18:11

    Nathan Mathews@nathanmathews

    Buy new windows for our house #IfIHad1000 https://twitter.com/money/status/643550974787850240



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 23:35:56

    Fred King

    Pay down high interest debt.



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:32:57


    @Money @TIME #IfIHad1000...I would put half in my savings and use the other half to go shopping for Fall clothing 😊



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 17:21:34


    @Money #IfIHad1000 I would invest it and 50 years from now. I would thank myself for it.



    Sat, Sep 12 2015 03:34:52

    One of you is saving up for a BIG surprise...


    @Money #IfIHad1000 ...I'd put it towards that @TiffanyAndCo ring I've been saving up for. #DontTellTheFutureMrs



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:18:31

    And a few of you would book a flight to Disneyland.

    Trevor Seal@trevorseal85

    @Money #IfIHad1000 I'd invest half and take my daughter to Disneyland with the rest!



    Fri, Sep 11 2015 15:40:39

    Brandon Bowen

    Take my family to Disneyland



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 16:01:42

    And many of you would give to those in need.

    Emily Santiago

    Go to a food shelter and feed everyone with a home cooked warn meal



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 22:43:58

    Sharon Strange

    Donate it to the Cancer Society



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 22:42:46

    Sejal Choksi-Chugh@sejalc

    @Money @TIME #IfIHad1000 I'd give @SFBaykeeper to keep oil + pollution out of #SFBay making it safer for recreation & healthier for wildlife



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 17:03:25

    Turkish Amerikan@TurkishAmerikan

    @Money @TIME #IfIHad1000 I would donate it to the Syrian refugees in Turkey.. https://donate.unrefugees.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1873&ea.campaign.id=41829&ea.tracking.id=D15XLJ151XXC&_ga=1.201719633.1538271965.1421021942 #Syria #refugeecrisis



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 17:02:36

    Domenick Mimmo Priante

    Donate it to a Pediatric Cancer Foundation that does so much good for many familys devastated by this horrible disease... Frankie's Mission #gogold



    Thu, Sep 10 2015 17:52:48

    And there's always that one person.

    Meghan Elizabeth

    Nothing. That doesn't go far anymore.



    Mon, Sep 14 2015 23:07:42

    Tell us what you would do with $1,000 by tweeting Money with the hashtag #IfIHad1000.
