Zipcar Is Offering Thousands of Free Rentals on Election Night

If you're working late November 8 and you're worried you won't be able to make it to the polls in time, one company is trying to ease the burden. Zipcar is offering thousands of free rentals to people across the U.S. in an effort to help voters get to the polls on election day.
The campaign, pegged #DRIVEtheVOTE, will make over 7,000 vehicles free to use from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on November 8 in all of its markets, including many college campuses. The company is encouraging people to carpool to the polls in the free vehicles.
"Zipcar selected the evening hours on election night to ensure that members who need to zip to the polls during the last few hours have free, easy access to transportation," a released reads.
Here is a listing of all of Zipcar's markets. You can reserve a car online.