5 Money Tips for Millennials

Mandi Woodruff of Yahoo Finance shares some tips on how millennials can save money while managing expenses.
Start saving early. Saving is something you'll eventually have to do, so why not start now?
Start saving as much as you can, even if it's just a little bit. Start putting some money aside, regardless of the amount. You never know when you're going to need to dip into those savings.
Pay off your student loan debt. Your student loans aren't going anywhere. Rather than suffering, do some research to find out if you qualify for easier student loan repayment plans.
Negotiate your salary. You have skills. Get paid for them.
Ask what's a good base salary and then aim 10% higher. Do some research on what the average base salary is in your field, and ask for 10% more. Online resources such as Glass Door can provide a gauge of standard industry salaries.