California Set to Adopt a $15 Minimum Wage in 2022

Governor Jerry Brown announced today that state lawmakers have come to an agreement to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022.
The law, which presumably will pass thanks to the agreement, would be a huge win for the growing voices such as Fight for 15 calling for a minimum wage hike, as California has the largest state economy in the nation.
Just days ago, campaigners for secured a $15 minimum wage on a referendum for this November. According to Buzzfeed News, it stands a good chance for passing with 68% in support and would give 1 in 3 workers a massive raise.
Making the change more manageable for small business owners, the updated minimum wage would come into effect a year later in 2023 for business with fewer than 25 employees.
If it passes, a $15 minimum wage in California would more than double the Federal minimum of $7.25, although there's a good chance that it would rise before 2022.