A State-by-State Guide to Emergency Rental Assistance

UPDATE, Friday, August 27: On Thursday night the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's most recent eviction moratorium. In an unsigned opinion, six judges ruled that the CDC lacked the legal authority to impose the ban without the explicit consent of Congress.
The ruling was issued over the dissenting opinion of the court's three liberal judges, with Associate Justice Stephen Breyer warning of a possible wave of COVID infections once evictions begin again.
The ruling had been anticipated by the Biden Administration. On Wednesday, the Department of the Treasury announced new guidelines designed to streamline the application process, including easier rules for self-reporting eligibility and new guidelines for state and local governments to work in conjunction with non-profit organizations to distribute Emergency Rental Assistance funds faster.
ORIGINAL STORY: The recent race to extend the eviction moratorium ban for those who have fallen behind on their rent due to the pandemic has focused a brighter light on Emergency Rental Assistance, a federal program designed to assist those in need.
While the new moratorium is not available everywhere and is set to expire on October 3, 2021, renters who are unable to pay or landlords whose tenants are behind on rent due to the pandemic can still apply for Emergency Rental Assistance program.
There are actually two programs totaling $46 billion geared towards renter’s aide —
- The first, known as Emergency Rental Assistance 1, was established as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 that was enacted in December 2020. ERA 1 provided $25 billion dollars directly to the states and Indian Tribes to set up rental assistance programs. Funds from this program must be distributed by 2022.
- ERA 2 was created as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and was enacted in March of 2021. This program provided an additional $21.55 billion to the pot. Funds from ERA 2 can be distributed through 2025.
The rental assistance is being administered by state and local governments but is funded by the Federal Government. The funds are assigned to the states but can also be accessed by individual counties within each state that have set up their own renter assistance programs.
Money has put together a state-by-state list of sites to apply for ERA funds. We’re listing the state resources but be sure to check on more local resources as well as these may have different programs and requirements. You can find a complete list of county renter assistance programs on the U.S. Department of the Treasury website.
We’ve also included data from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation on how much money each state received for rental assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Alabama: eraalabama.com
Alabama received $585 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, eight counties in Alabama offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Alaska: alaskahousingrelief.org
Alaska received $352 million to fund its renter assistance program.
ERA funds administered by the State of Arizona: des.az.gov/ERAP
Arizona received $882 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 12 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Arkansas: humanservices.arkansas.gov
Arkansas received $360 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, three counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of California: housing.ca.gov
California received $4.676 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 48 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Colorado: cdola.colorado.gov
Colorado received $690 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 11 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Connecticut: portal.ct.gov
Connecticut received $423 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Delaware: decovidhousinghelp.com
Delaware received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
District of Columbia:
ERA funds administered by the District of Columbia: stay.dc.gov
D.C. received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Florida: ourflorida.com
Florida received $2.582 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 33 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Georgia: Georgiarentalassistance.ga.gov
Georgia received $1.272 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 12 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Hawaii: dbedt.hawaii.gov
Hawaii received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, five counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Idaho: idahohousing.com
Idaho received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Illinois: ihda.org
Illinois received $1.495 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 10 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Indiana: IndianaHousingNow.org
Indiana received $802 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, six counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Iowa: Iowafinance.com
Iowa received $376 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Kansas: khousingcorp.org
Kansas received $353 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Kentucky: teamkyhherf.ky.gov
Kentucky received $532 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Louisiana: lastaterent.com
Louisiana received $552 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, eight counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Maine: mainehousing.org
Maine received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Maryland: dhcd.maryland.gov
Maryland received $719 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, eight counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Maryland: Mass.gov
Massachusetts received $819 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Michigan: Michigan.gov
Michigan received $1.184 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, three counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Minnesota: renthelpmn.org
Minnesota received $672 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, seven counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Mississippi: ms-ramp.com
Mississippi received $356 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Mississippi: mohousingresources.com
Missouri received $731 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, seven counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Montana: housing.mt.gov
Montana received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Nebraska: coronavirus.nebraska.gov
Nebraska received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, four counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Nevada: housing.nv.gov
Nevada received $373 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, six counties offer renters assistance.
New Hampshire:
ERA funds administered by the State of New Hampshire: nhhfa.org
New Hampshire received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, one county is offering renters assistance.
New Jersey:
ERA funds administered by the State of New Jersey: njdca.onlinepha.com
New Jersey received $1.055 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 18 counties offer renters assistance.
New Mexico:
ERA funds administered by the State of New Mexico: renthelpnm.gov
New Mexico received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, three counties offer renters assistance.
New York:
ERA funds administered by the State of New York: otda.ny.gov
New York received $2.297 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 24 counties offer renters assistance.
North Carolina:
ERA funds administered by the State of North Carolina: hope.nc.gov
North Carolina received $1.259 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 18 counties offer renters assistance.
North Dakota:
ERA funds administered by the State of North Dakota: nd.gov
North Dakota received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Ohio: businesshelp.ohio.gov
Ohio received $1.389 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, two counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Oklahoma: okcommunitycares.org
Oklahoma received $473 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, five counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Oregon: oerap.oregon.gov
Oregon received $504 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, six counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Pennsylvania: dhs.pa.gov
Pennsylvania received $1.518 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 19 counties offer renters assistance.
Rhode Island:
ERA funds administered by the State of Rhode Island: rihousing.com
Rhode Island received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
South Carolina:
ERA funds administered by the State of South Carolina: schousing.com
South Carolina received $620 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, seven counties offer renters assistance.
South Dakota:
ERA funds administered by the State of South Dakota: sdhda.org
South Dakota received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Tennessee: thda.org
Tennessee received $818 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, five counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Texas: texasrentrelief.com
Texas received $3.488 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 36 counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Utah: rentalrelief.utah.gov
Utah received $386 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, four counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Vermont: erap.vsha.org
Vermont received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Virginia: dhcd.virginia.gov
Virginia received $1.020 billion to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, four counties offer renters assistance.
ERA funds administered by the State of Washington: commerce.wa.gov
Washington received $914 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, 13 counties offer renters assistance.
West Virginia:
ERA funds administered by the State of West Virginia: wvhdf.com
West Virginia received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Wisconsin: wiscap.org
Wisconsin received $693 million to fund its renter assistance programs. In addition to the state program, six counties offer renters assistance.
There are six counties in Wisconsin offering renters assistance programs.
ERA funds administered by the State of Wyoming: dfs.wyo.gov
Wyoming received $352 million to fund its renter assistance programs.
U.S. Territories:
U.S. territories received a total of $705 million to fund rental assistance programs.
Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas: cnmidr.gov.mp
Guam: doa.guam.gov
Puerto Rico: covidrenta.org
U.S. Virgin Islands: erap.vihfa.gov
Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities:
There are over 100 rental assistance programs administered by the tribes and tribal housing authorities. A full list can be found here.
More from Money:
What to Know About Emergency Rental Assistance Before the Eviction Moratorium Ends
To Avoid Evictions, Biden Begs States to Use Emergency Funds