10 of the Absolute Worst Things Bosses Have Done

It's not a secret that workplaces aren't always friendly places—there's literally a successful movie franchise called Horrible Bosses. In a recent post, the app Whisper, which lets users anonymously post secrets, published a list of corrupt things they saw their bosses do.
With the gender wage-gap still a massive issue around the country (here are the states where it's the worst), it's not a surprise that many of these things were sexist and awful. Here's whatever you'd call the opposite of a greatest hits for boss behavior.
- "Pull food that fell in the trash can out, put it back on the plate, and serve it to a guest."
- "Demote my friend for dating a girl he hates."
- "He took me in the bathroom, offered me blow, I declined, he kissed me."
- "Without looking at an application she said to throw it out."
- "Asked me to hack into his partner's account to see if he was planning on leaving the company. I did it, then blocked all emails that talked about that."
- "Talk to another Director about not hiring someone who was overqualified because he was unattractive and it was going to be a bad look."
- "He told a former employee that she would make a good porn star."
- "Steal money from the register then try and fire me for covering her shift while she was smoking meth in the back."
- "Deny several people our services (rental agency) because she didn't want to help women with 'too many' kids, unmarried women, minorities, or anyone who 'looked too poor' find a home."
- "Cheat on his girlfriend. Then ask me to arrange plans for his side chicks. Ugh."
MORE: Which Horrible TV or Movie Boss Is Your Office Stuck With?