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It can be easy to forget to pay a bill after using a store credit card, such as your Kohl's Credit Card. Since many people use store cards infrequently, they aren’t in the habit of submitting monthly payments for them. Unfortunately, forgetting to pay your Kohl's card charges can negatively affect your credit score because the lender could report the late payment to a credit bureau.

Luckily, there are ways you can get a Kohl's late payment removed from your credit history and repair your credit score. Keep reading to learn how to remove a Kohl's delinquent payment from your credit report.

How long will a Kohl's late payment stay on my credit report?

In addition to lowering your credit score, a single late payment could remain on your credit report for up to seven years. This means that forgetting to pay one Kohl’s credit bill can interrupt your financial plans for several years.

When you apply for a loan or credit card, lenders refer to a borrower’s credit report to determine whether you’re likely to pay your debts. If you have a low credit score or negative events on your credit report, a lender may reject your request for a loan. Those who grant you one may charge you a high interest rate due to negative items on your credit report. Since a late payment can disrupt your financial goals, it's important to get the entry removed as quickly as possible.

How to get a Kohl's late payment removed from my credit report

There are two methods to get a late payment removed from your credit report. You can do it alone or enlist the help of a financial advisor.

Kohl’s late payment forgiveness

If you want to try to get the negative credit event removed from your score by yourself, you can write Kohl's a goodwill forgiveness letter. This letter explains why your payment was late and that you will pay your statements on time going forward. In this letter, you should ask Kohl’s to remove the late payment from your credit report.

Contacting your credit card company to ask if they will remove a negative event from your credit score is sometimes effective if it’s your first late payment. If you have multiple late payments with Kohl's, you may want to consider an alternative strategy, though.

Kohl’s late fee reversal

Kohl's charges a late fee every time you miss your billing deadline. While an individual is in the process of removing a negative entry from their credit report, they can ask their lender to waive the late fee. While the lender may agree to remove the late charge, focus your efforts on getting a delinquent payment removed from your record. Late payments reflected on a credit report have a greater impact on an individual’s financial situation compared to the cost of a one-time late fee.

Here are their contact details:

  • Kohl’s, Inc
  • PO Box 3115
  • Milwaukee, WI 53201-3115

If you’re a long-time Kohl's customer and use their credit card often, they may be willing to reverse the late fees because of your customer loyalty. However, unless you have several late fees on your account, consider paying it.

Disclaimer: This story was originally published on September 9, 2009, on BetterCreditBlog.org. To find the most relevant information concerning collections or credit card inquiries, please visit: https://money.com/how-to-remove-collections-from-credit-report/ or https://money.com/get-items-removed-from-credit-report/