The Internet Can't Even Handle This Video of Michelle Obama Rapping About College

First Lady Michelle Obama has teamed up with Jay Pharoah of "Saturday Night Live" and College Humor to promote a rap video urging kids to go to college, sparking a meme about other #flotusbars. And yes, she actually raps in the video.
"South Side Chicago, we all know / We had to do overtime every night to make it tomorrow," the First Lady raps. (Soak that in for a moment: The First Lady raps!) "And everyone could really make their dream true / Hey kid, listening in Michigan that could be you!"
The video includes cameos by a talking portrait of George Washington, as well as a TIME magazine cover! It ends by directing viewers to, a group that encourages young people to get educations.
Twitter users responded with jokes about other fictional Michelle Obama rap lyrics, tagged with the hashtag #flotusbars.
Watch the video here: