New Balance Says It's Not the Shoes of White Supremacists

New Balance might have a new slogan: not the shoes of white supremacists.
Though the Boston-based shoemaker has claimed in the past that it's "endorsed by no one," it was—to its chagrin—supported by the Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website. In an article over the weekend, the site praised New Balance as the "official shoes of white people."
In response, the company released a statement saying that it "does not tolerate bigotry or hatred in any form."
The company came under fire last week when it expressed its support for one of Trump's proposed trade deals. New Balance's VP of public affairs said the Obama administration had "turned a deaf ear" to the company's concerns, but felt that "things are going to move in the right direction" under the Trump presidency.
The trade deal statements caused some customers to take to social media to burn their shoes in protest. However, the company claimed that the statements were made specifically about the Trans Pacific Partnership, and not in reference to any Trump policy or statement. New Balance, which is committed to making its shoes in the U.S., opposes the TPP because it feels it would eliminate American jobs.
The company also added that it's supported trade positions of candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that "focused on American manufacturing job creation."
"One of our officials was recently asked to comment on a trade policy that was taken out of context," New Balance said in a statement.