Which Colleges Did These 10 Famous African Americans Graduate From?

The editors of Money and Essence magazine recently collaborated to rank the "50 Best Colleges for African Americans," based on factors including graduation rates, affordability, graduates' earning potential, and campus diversity.
Our list should give students and parents plenty to choose from—a varied mix of "elite" colleges, large public universities, and historically black colleges and universities, or HBCUs.
Not only are these schools good choices for today's and tomorrow's college students, but many of them have already produced a distinguished list of African American alumni. Here, in quiz form, are 10 prominent men and women, each of whom earned an undergraduate or advanced degree from a college in our top 10. See if you can match them to their alma mater. (Guessed all 10 and want to brag about it to your friends? Then share your score on Facebook or Twitter.)