This Governor Is Getting Mocked for Brown-Bagging Lunch Every Day

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker tried to show the Twitter-verse Friday that he's a simple ham-and-cheese-loving kind of guy.
Walker tweeted that for 26 long years in a row, he has eaten not one, but two ham-and-cheese sandwiches almost everyday for lunch. "Like millions of Americans, I bring my own lunch to work," Walker wrote in the tweet.
His Friday announcement followed a picture he shared on Thursday of a rather sad-looking ham-and-cheese sandwich to celebrate #NationalSandwichDay.
Twitter users, naturally, had a lot to say about Walker's eating habits, especially his uninspired sandwich of choice.
@ScottWalker i don't even eat ham, but could totally make you a better ham 'n cheese sammich. For shame, Walker.
— Blazer Ramon (@RedKhan1) November 3, 2016
— jason (@JasonKirkSBN) November 4, 2016
@ScottWalker "As evidence I present you with a screenshot of a video of me in a human kitchen."
— Dan Telfer 🐙 (@dantelfer) November 4, 2016
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) November 4, 2016
@ScottWalker You are what you eat. What I'm trying to say is: you are approximately 18,980 ham sandwiches, my man
— Will Stratton (@rosewoodalmanac) November 4, 2016
Jokes (and the oddity and mind-numbing boredom of eating the same thing everyday) aside, Walker's right that he's not alone in brown-bagging it. In fact, Americans are packing their lunch even more this year in response to higher restaurant prices. Lunch traffic at restaurants was down 4% during the second quarter of 2016, and the average customer bill was down 5%.
So perhaps Walker has just been ahead of his time--by more than a quarter-century--in terms of this whole brown-bagging lunch thing.
Read Next: Americans Aren’t Going Out to Lunch As Much
Bringing your lunch from home even a few days a week can be a big money saver too. People who buy lunch every work day burn through about $2,500 a year, according to What Are You Doing for Lunch, by Mona Meighan. Calculations done by Money columnist Dan Kadlec show that if you skip the $15 daily lunch in favor of brown-bagging a meal that cost you $3 to make, you’ll save $31,000 over the next 10 years. (However, Walker, who has a history of being in credit card debt, apparently needs to do more than brown-bag his lunch to pay off his bills.)
In sum, Walker reminded us of two important lessons today: Eating out for lunch can be a huge money suck, and people are going to roll their eyes when you share pointless life stories on social media. That goes whether you're well-known politician or a regular guy.