Are You a Service Member Returning to Civilian Life?

Are you a member of the U.S. armed forces returning to civilian life? Money magazine would like to tell your story—and give you free financial advice as well.
For an upcoming story in Money, the nation's largest personal finance magazine, we're looking for a member of the armed forces who has recently left the military, or is about to leave the military, after at least 15 years of service. In the article, we hope to illustrate the financial challenges a veteran and his or her family face in making the transition to civilian life—challenges that might include finding new employment, adjusting the family’s budget, or preparing for a secure retirement.
As part of the story, we'll provide to the family a free, in-depth consultation with a financial planner who can study the family's finances and give advice relevant to the family's financial goals. Participants also have the opportunity to help publicize challenges faced by veterans.
The key criteria for the service member or veteran we're looking for:
- Military service of at least 15 years
- Either leaving the service or retired from the service within a year
- Willingness of veteran and family members to share details of their personal lives and their finances in the magazine
- Willingness to be photographed for the story
To get an idea of our magazine's approach (and the amount of financial disclosure that the story will entail), here’s a link to a similar story the magazine has run, focusing on the financial challenges faced by a couple after the husband, a soldier, was blinded in combat in Iraq: How a Blinded Soldier Pieced Together His Life — And His Finances
If you think you might be interested in participating, please fill out the confidential form below.
Along with your contact information, please include a brief description of your situation plus a little about your family’s finances, including household income, assets, and debts. All of this information will be kept private unless we follow up with you for an interview and you agree to appear in the magazine.
We’ll follow up with potential candidates.
Current town/city and state
Email address
Best phone number for reaching you
Tell us about yourself
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