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Should you tell your children your net worth?

Did you ever want to be a personal-finance advice columnist? Now’s your chance!

In Money magazine's “Readers to the Rescue” department, we publish questions from readers seeking help in solving sticky financial situations — and advice from other readers on how to solve those problems. Here’s our latest reader question:

Over the years, my wife and I have been able to amass a decent net worth. When should we tell our children what it is? Or should we ever?

Got a good answer for that question? Submit it to us in the form below. We’ll publish selected reader advice in an upcoming issue. (Your answer may be edited for length and clarity.) Please include your contact information so we can get in touch; if we use your advice in the magazine, we'd like to check with you first, and possibly run your picture as well.


Your advice


Hometown and state

Email and/or phone number (won't be published; required if you'd like to be credited for your advice)


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To be notified of future “Readers to the Rescue” questions and answers, find Money on Facebook or follow Money on Twitter.