The Cheapest States for Flying to Europe

Not all U.S. states are created equal (at least, not when it comes to cheap airfares). Some cities offer incredibly cheap flights to top destinations in Europe. Others? Not so much.
We dove into the data to find out which U.S. cities have the best average airfare to Europe, and the results were a little surprising. For instance, research uncovered that flights from Los Angeles to Europe average just about $70 more than from New York City, putting to bed many claims that West Coast-to-Europe flights are roundly unaffordable.
The data also revealed that travelers can find flights to Europe from the East Coast starting at just $535—or less—when flying from New York City to Oslo during the last week of August (as of May 8). Interestingly, not every East Coast city offers good deals to Europe: Philadelphia flyers pay well over $1,000, on average, to fly from home, whereas they’d save almost $300 by departing from NYC or Newark.
Below, we round up the contiguous 48 in a color-coded map to show which U.S. states offer the cheapest airfare. We also found the average price of a flight from the 10 largest cities, so you can compare your price to your fellow countrymen. Where does your fare fall?
The Average Cost of Flying to Europe from Each State
The Average Cost of a Flight to Europe from the 10 U.S. Cities
New York | $832 |
Los Angeles | $906 |
Chicago | $907 |
Washington DC | $967 |
San Francisco | $1,120 |
Boston | $819 |
Philadelphia | $1,110 |
Dallas | $1,126 |
Miami | $935 |
Houston | $1,030 |
This article originally appeared on Hopper is a travel app that tracks and predicts airfare prices.
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