A Day in the Life of an Urban Beekeeper

Andrew Cote, who calls himself "the only full-time beekeeper in New York City," tends to approximately 100 bee colonies around the city. He's been tending colonies for over 30 years and has spent countless hours with his hives. He jokes that his wife isn't jealous of her winged rivals, just annoyed that he works from five o'clock in the morning to eight at night. When he's not tending to his bees, he's selling their honey at local greenmarkets. He also sells his wares online.
Cote, a fourth-generation beekeeper, was a college professor before he made beekeeping his full-time occupation. One of the best parts of the job? His outdoor office, he says, gesturing out at the Manhattan rooftops.
To bring knowledge of beekeeping to underdeveloped countries, Cote started Bees Without Borders, a charity that teaches people how to maintain hives and gather honey.