People Have Donated $100,000 to Dig a Useless Hole

On Black Friday, while millions of Americans were reaching for their wallets to snatch up deals, others were donating their hard-earned cash to dig a hole for no reason.
The project began at 1 p.m. on Friday, when Cards Against Humanity, the "party game for horrible people," began soliciting donations to dig a hole somewhere in the U.S. for no reason. For every dollar donated, it adds several seconds to the dig clock—which had about 2 hours and 40 minutes left as of Monday afternoon.
Cards Against Humanity is broadcasting the dig live on, as well as a running tally of donations. The majority of donors seem to have chipped in just $5 for the hole, though several donated more than $1,000. In total, the campaign raised more than $100,000 so far and the company says it plans to continue as long as money is coming in.
As the rate of donations for the dig increased, the amount of time each dollar could buy went down. While each dollar extended dig time by about 1.8 seconds on Friday, that number fell to 0.3 seconds by Sunday afternoon, NPR reported.
The company is vague on specifics about the hole, only saying it's being dug somewhere in "America. And in our hearts." It says there's no larger meaning to the project, except that people are "supposed to think it's funny."
"You might not get it for a while, but some time next year you'll chuckle quietly to yourself and remember all this business about the hole," the company said on its website.
This isn't the first holiday stunt that the company has pulled. Last year, it made $71,145 after it asked people to send $5 each for no reason, while in 2014, it sold bull feces to 30,000 people and turned a profit of $180,000.