Here's What Our Pets Cost Us

How much is man's best friend costing you? Have you ever really thought about it? Money did. We compiled a list of what our animal friends cost us.
Our readers took our poll and told us that 32% of them spend less than $50 a month on their pets. But 22% admitted to spending more than $120 a month.
Each year, Americans spend $47 on dog toys and just $28 on cat toys. American pet owners spend more money on dog food too. $269 a year to feed Fido, whereas cat owners pay an average $246 a year and bird owners pay an average of $120. But cat owners spend $33 a year on feline vitamins. That's $33 a year, for every cat they own. It adds up.
And then there's pet health insurance. Make sure you compare pet insurance as plans vary in price according to coverage. New York pet parents pay a monthly $43 in premiums. Kansas, Mississippi, and Nebraska have the cheapest monthly health insurance premiums, coming in at $29 and $30.
Vet visits over the course of a year can add up to $375 for pet owners.