How Much Doctors Actually Make in 2016

We all know doctors make a decent living—but new numbers shine a spotlight on exactly how much money your physician is taking home (hint: it's a ton).
Over 19,200 physicians in over 26 specialties responded to Medscape's annual compensation inquiry, detailing how much they make, how many hours they work per week, the most rewarding parts of their job, and more. The website combined salary, bonus, and profit-sharing contributions.
Here's how they stack up:
Phyisican Specialties | Average Compensation |
Orthopedics | $443,000 |
Cardiology | $410,000 |
Dermatology | $381,000 |
Gastroenterology | $380,000 |
Radiology | $375,000 |
Urology | $367,000 |
Anesthesiology | $360,000 |
Plastic Surgery | $355,000 |
Oncology | $329,000 |
General Surgery | $322,000 |
Emergency Medicine | $322,000 |
Ophthalmology | $309,000 |
Critical Care | $306,000 |
Pulmonary Medicine | $281,000 |
Ob/Gyn | $277,000 |
Nephrology | $273,000 |
Pathology | $266,000 |
Neurology | $241,000 |
Rheumatology | $234,000 |
Psychiatry | $226,000 |
Internal Medicine | $222,000 |
Allergy | $222,000 |
HIV/ID | $215,000 |
Family Medicine | $207,000 |
Endocrinology | $206,000 |
Pediatrics | $204,000 |
Pediatricians, who receive the least compensation of any doctor on the list, make over $200,000—putting them in the top 5% of earners in the U.S. The site notes that orthopedists and cardiologists were numbers one and two in 2015 as well, with compensations of $421,000 and $376,000, respectively.
Aside from pathologists and plastic surgeons, who saw no change in compensation, and allergists and pulmonologists, who saw a decrease, all other physicians were better compensated this year compared to 2015.
Doctors in the Southeast and North Central (which includes the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri) take home the most money on average.
One depressing note: Female physicians make significantly less than their male counterparts, whether they are primary care physicians or specialists. Medscape does note, however, that women's earnings increased more in the last four years than men's did. Overall, though, female physicians make 24% less than men. (And all of the earnings are for full-time positions.) Interestingly, there are significantly more female physicians in pediatrics than men, which is the least compensated specialty.
Does mid-six figures sound appealing? You're in luck: Healthcare is adding the most jobs of any other industry.