Available Resources & Financial Info for Military Veterans

Mie Ahmt—Getty Images
- asmarterchoice.org — Lets you search credit unions by military affinity.
- benefits.va.gov — Find out how to qualify for VGLI insurance, VA home loans, and VA health care.
- consumerfinance.gov/cfpb — Has links to state resources for vets, consumer protection offices, and tons of general personal finance information, via the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.
- military.com/veteran-jobs/skills-translator – Helps you figure out how your military skills can apply to civilian jobs.
- VetJobs.com – Maintains one of the most active job boards geared toward veterans.
- acp-usa.org – Connects veterans with mentoring and networking opportunities and large companies.
- dol.gov/vets/ — Contains links to federal job centers, career training programs and more.
- uschamberfoundation.org/hiring-our-heroes – Collects job lists for veterans.
- The Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) page
- rallypoint.com – A military-only social network.
Health and healthcare
- militaryonesource.mil — Find links to health and wellness resources, as well as to counseling services.
- afterdeployment.dcoe.mil/military_pathways – An online screening tools for PTSD, anxiety disorders, and other issues.
- benefits.va.gov/benefits – General information about VA benefits.
- hbexplorer.vacloud.us – Will assess what benefits you are eligible for, based on several factors, including your discharge status, and service dates.
- dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/plan/estimate.html – Can help you calculate estimated retirement pay.
- tsp.gov/planningtools/planningTools.shtml – Helps you figure out how your TSP contributions will affect your paycheck.
- http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/comparison_tool.asp — Compares the various benefits available under the GI Bill.
- clep.collegeboard.org/search/colleges – Search for schools that accept credit for CLEP exams.
- Military.com – Click on the “find a school” tab for state-by-state lists of college funding sources.
Read more of The Veteran's Guide to Financial Success:
- 8 Tips for Soldiers Looking to Conquer the Civilian Job Market
- 7 Ways for Soldiers to Dramatically Reduce the Cost of College
- 6 Simple Ways for Soldiers to Control Their Post-Military Healthcare Costs
- 5 Smart Money Moves for Soldiers and Military Veterans
- 4 Key Steps in the March Toward a Comfortable Retirement