Here Are the Coupon Capitals of America

Washington, D.C. is now America's most frugal city.
The nation’s capitol came out on top of a new ranking of America’s Most Frugal Cities for 2016, according to Quotient Technology, which runs The rankings measured how many coupons city residents used throughout 2016, and how much money it saved them in return.
D.C. residents bought 23 million coupons in 2016, adding up to $31 million savings. This number ousts Orlando from the top spot, a title the city has held for seven straight years. Overall, Americans clipped $3.6 billion in savings in 2016, with $2.4 billion of that from digital coupons.
“Whatever the reason — a bitter election, the loss of pop icons — people sought out digital coupons to stretch their budgets and, perhaps, to make themselves feel better,” Quotient Technology researchers wrote.
Check out the fill list of frugal cities below:
- Washington, D.C.
- Orlando
- Charlotte, N.C.
- Raleigh/Durham, N.C.
- Dallas
- Tampa, Fla.
- Nashville, Tenn.
- Cleveland
- Virginia beach, Va.
- Atlanta
- Philadelphia
- Boston
- Kansas city, Miss.
- Houston
- New York
- Indianapolis
- Providence, R.I.
- Pittsburgh, Pa.
- St Louis
- San Francisco
- San Antonio, Texas
- Cincinnati
- Sacramento, Calif.
- Milwaukee, Wis.
- Chicago