How to Get Pokémon Go In-App Refunds

This weekend, Pokémon Go developer Niantic Labs updated the insanely popular mobile game, and fans are not happy about it. They're so unhappy, in fact, a bunch of Redditors are teaming up to help each other get refunds for in-app purchases on both iOS and Android.
As Forbes explains,
A new update removed the footsteps from the 'nearby' tracking screen, effectively nullifying the already-broken in-game tracking with the implication that it’s not getting fixed any time soon. At the same time, it shut down all the third-party tracking apps people had been using instead, making it impossible to hunt for particular Pokémon through any means."
Angry fans contend they bought in-app extras, like Pokécoin, while the old feature was being advertised, and thus should be able to get their money back.
According to one commenter in the Reddit thread, Apple has been overwhelmed with refund requests. Others have claimed that they successfully received refunds, but if you are requested a refund of over $5 you will need to speak to someone in support.