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Everybody knows that sex sells. But hate, apparently, can be good for business too. At least it can help push sales when there's a political campaign as rancorous as the one taking place in 2016, when it seems like most voters can be described as "angry voters."
During this strangest of campaign seasons, it looks as if many voters will be motivated to choose a candidate based not on who they necessarily support through and through, but on who is running against the person they can't stand. It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, that during a presidential run in which the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees are both disliked by Americans in record-breaking numbers, products that mock and insult the candidates are available in abundance, and some have become hot sellers. Take a look.
Trump Toilet Paper
There's a Chinese company that sells novelty toilet paper varieties featuring the faces of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and thus far the Trump toilet paper is wiping up the competition with much stronger sales. Perhaps consumers see Trump TP as the superior value: It costs the same as the Hillary product—about 50¢ a roll—even though it's associated with the Trump luxury brand.
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Hillary Barking Pen
Press the button on this "Hill-arious" battery-operated pen and it will either laugh or bark like a dog, depending on which model you choose. A Trump version of the pen is empowered with the ability to speak actual words, with phrases spoken in The Donald's voice including, "I don't wear a toupee. It's my hair. I swear," and "Look - I'm REALLY rich."
Trump Small Hand Soap
This bar of soap will seem "Yuuuuge," especially if you have small hands like the grossly defensive Donald Trump allegedly has.
Hillary for Prison Merchandise
At first glance, the phrase looks like the standard "Hillary for President 2016." But the message here couldn't be more different: T-shirts, pins, baby onesies, fridge magnets, lawn signs, and more are up for sale featuring the phrase "Hillary for Prison 2016."
Trump Piñata
The Trump piñata boom was born last summer, back when many observers assumed Donald Trump's presidential campaign run would soon be over due to Trump-ian comments like those painting Mexican migrants as "rapists" who are bringing drugs and crime into America. Dalton Avalos Ramirez, an artist who creates piñatas of celebrities and politicians in Mexico, told The New Yorker that it's not necessarily insulting to be caricatured in a piñata.
“When I make piñatas of a politician, it depends on whether he’s a good politician or a bad one,” Ramirez said. “If he’s good, he suspects nothing of my piñata. If he’s corrupt, he immediately assumes that what I’ve done is mocking.”
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Hillary Nutcracker
If the prototypical Trump supporter is an emasculated white man who feels his—and America's—best days are in the past, then he probably gets a kick out of mocking the supposed man-hater leading the way to their demise, Hillary Clinton. Holding the nutcracker created in her likeness, "You'll feel the power in your hand," the pitch says. "Just place a nut between her legs and squeeze. Cracks the toughest nuts, including Republican, Democratic, Brazilian walnuts, pecans, etc."
Make Donald Drumpf Again
The segment on "Last Week Tonight" in which host John Oliver attacked Donald Trump's history of telling lies and plans to build a wall on the Mexico border not only broke records for views online, it spawned a run on political novelty hats at the HBO Store. The hats play off Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan, only they sub in the true surname of his ancestors before it was changed.
Political Hot Sauce
Critics say that Hillary Clinton's habit of carrying hot sauce with her is pure political pandering: She's playing to millennials and people of color, who tend to be big fans of hot sauce. Naturally, some entrepreneur had to have some fun with the story and came up with a hot sauce with Hillary's name on it. In fact, there's a series of statement hot sauces, with messages all over the political map such as "Trump That B***h," "Feel the Bern," and "We Shall Over Comb"—the latter a goof on Trump's hair.
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Donald Trump Socks
We're not really sure if you'd want to wear these socks if you hate or love the Trump candidacy. But they mock Trump's bizarre floppy orange hair, and that's something that Republicans, Democrats, and even kids do with glee.
Dumb Donald Beer
The appropriately named Spiteful Brewing company recently released Dumb Donald, a double IPA brewed with key lime that portrays Donald Trump in the stage of evolution in between a monkey and an upright human being. "It's like he got caught in a pause half way through evolution," the label explains. "His brain still functions, at a minimal level with a vocabulary of a second grade student. You might even feel sorry for this man-child." Probably not sorry enough to vote for him, but perhaps to tip back a drink in his honor.
Political Mints
How's this for putting your mouth where your money--err, political preference--is. Among the novelty breath mints on the market are "National Embarrassmints" featuring the mug of Donald Trump, and "A Mint Whose Time Has Come" with Hillary Clinton on the box.
Humanity Hates Trump/Hillary Game
This party game that "is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump himself or Cards Against Humanity," according to the fine print, comes in three varieties—two "Humanity Hates Trump" versions and one "Humanity Hates Hillary Too." Despite the fine print, the game seems quite obviously inspired by Cards Against Humanity, the popular, extremely politically incorrect game that'll easily offend those who are easily offended. With Humanity Hates Trump (or Hillary), the laughs are at the expense of politics, the presidential candidates, and their platforms.