It's Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day 2019! Here's How You Can Get Free Ice Cream Today

Free Ben and Jerry's ice cream is on the menu today, thanks to what's easily in the running for the best food "holiday" of the year: Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day.
Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day takes place every year on a Tuesday in April. And the 2019 edition of Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day is today, Tuesday, April 9.
Getting your free ice cream today is as simple as finding a nearby participating Ben and Jerry's location and asking for a free cone anytime between 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. locally. You can pick any Ben and Jerry's flavor you like, including favorites like Cherry Garcia and Chubby Hubby.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day is that you are welcome to get seconds — or thirds or even fourths. Unlike most other freebie days, which have one-serving-per-customer limits, Ben & Jerry's will keep giving you free ice cream cones today as many times as you're willing to wait in line, while the giveaway is still valid.
Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day 2019 is the 40th anniversary for the beloved ice cream brand's holiday devoted to free ice cream. Ben & Jerry's gave out over one million scoops on Cone Day 2016, and its shops should give away at least that much free ice cream today.