(left) Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; (right) Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump
(left) Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; (right) Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump
Getty Images

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton don’t agree on much. That’s certainly true when it comes to their tax plans.

You may already have a general sense of how they differ: Trump’s plan calls for a fairly radical simplification of the tax code that would create four brackets—22, 25%, and 33%—and give just about everyone a tax cut; Clinton meanwhile has promised to leave taxes unchanged for anyone making less than $250,000 a year but wants to boost rates and curtail write-offs for wealthier Americans.

But with either candidate, it’s not easy to tell exactly how the thicket of new rates and rules would actually affect you. Thankfully, the non-partisan Tax Policy Center in Washington this week published an in-depth, side-by-side look at both candidates’ proposals.

It should be noted that the results haven’t pleased everyone. The Trump campaign has argued the analysis underestimates the dramatic economic growth his tax cuts would unleash. However, other independent budget scorers, including rightward leaning ones, have largely taken the Tax Policy Center’s side.

If you want to examine Tax Policy Center's analysis yourself, you can find its reports here and here—but to make things simpler, we’ve broken out the numbers for both plans and put them side by side to show just how each candidate’s proposals would affect Americans at a range of income levels.