Need to Rent a Party Yacht? Try Uber

Uber has enriched our lives by making everything from taxi rides to puppies just a click away. On Saturday, the ride-sharing app will launch its latest over-the-top convenience: UberYACHT, which will allow users to request a party yacht through the app.
If UberBOAT wasn't enough for nautical app users, UberYACHT will allow customers to reserve a yacht 48 hours in advance, CNN reported. The luxury boat seemingly comes equipped for a marine party, with food, drinks and an on-board DJ—for just $82 per person.
Bad news for most aspiring sailors, though: The service will only be available in Dubai for now.
"Following the success of UberCHOPPER in Dubai, we are thrilled to introduce UberYACHT to Dubai’s waters with this exclusive party that residents can book just as they would an Uber car or chopper, with the same level of convenience, reliability and accessibility," Uber's general manager Chris Free told CNN.
Not interested in becoming a seafaring Uber customer? The app will also let you rent a helicopter in Dubai, and get kittens, ice cream or food delivered in other locations around the world.
Word of the new feature comes in the wake of Uber's recently agreement to pay a $100 million settlement to keep its workers classified as freelancers. The terms also gave drivers the right to ask for tips.