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Published: Aug 29, 2023 11 min read

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Investing in gold and precious metals has long been considered a reliable strategy to safeguard wealth and diversify investment portfolios. With its prevailing reputation as a safe haven asset, gold tends to withstand economic downturns. However, like any investment, there are pros and cons to having gold in your portfolio and it may not be right for everyone.

In this article, we delve into why investing in gold may be a good opportunity for you. We’ll explore its role as a safe haven, its potential for growth and the various avenues through which investors can participate in the gold market.

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Reasons to invest in gold

Investing in gold has its benefits — it can help safeguard your wealth, preserve purchasing power and enhance the diversification of your investment portfolio. Here’s more information about the upsides of adding gold to your portfolio.

It can be a hedge against inflation

With concerns about rising inflation in the global economy, many investors consider gold to be a powerful tool to protect the value of their wealth against the erosion of purchasing power. Historically, gold has held its value over time, so allocating a portion of your portfolio to the metal can potentially help you preserve your wealth and mitigate the impact of high inflation.

It is a liquid asset

Gold can be highly liquid, meaning it can be easily bought and sold in various forms. Whether you prefer physical gold in the form of gold bars or coins, gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or shares of gold mining companies, there are multiple avenues to access the gold market. This flexibility allows investors to adjust their gold holdings based on market conditions and investment objectives.

It can help you diversify your portfolio

Including gold in your investment portfolio can enhance diversification, reducing the overall risk exposure and potentially improving long-term returns. Gold often exhibits a low correlation with traditional financial assets like stocks and bonds, meaning its price movements tend to be independent or have a minimal association with these assets. As a result, when other investments experience volatility or downturns, gold can act as a stabilizing force, helping to cushion losses and preserve capital.

It’s a safe haven asset

During times of market uncertainty, geopolitical tensions or economic crises, gold has historically been sought after as a safe haven asset. Investors perceive gold as a reliable store of value that can withstand market turbulence and provide stability. In such periods, demand for gold tends to increase, driving its price higher.

Disadvantages of investing in gold

While gold offers various benefits, it also comes with its own set of disadvantages that investors should be aware of. Investing in gold may not be for everyone.


Gold’s price can exhibit substantial volatility, particularly in the short term. Factors like economic data, geopolitical events and changes in investor sentiment can lead to rapid fluctuations in gold’s value. This volatility might not align well with the risk tolerance of some investors.

Not income generating

Unlike other investment options like many stocks or bonds, physical gold doesn’t generate income or dividends. This means that investors seeking regular income from their investments might not find gold a suitable choice. The potential for capital appreciation is the primary way to derive returns from investing in gold. If the price of gold goes up over time, you can make a profit by selling it at a higher value than your initial investment.

Storage and security costs

Physical ownership of gold, such as gold bars or coins, requires secure storage. Storage can lead to additional costs, including expenses for safe deposit boxes or secure storage facilities as well as insurance to protect it from theft. These costs can eat into the overall returns on the investment.

Is 2023 a good year for gold investment?

With various economic factors at play, 2023 presents a potentially favorable environment for gold investment. The lingering effects of the pandemic, uncertainties in the stock market, high interest rates (and the potential for more hikes by central banks) and fluctuations in the U.S. dollar and other reserve currencies make gold an appealing investment option.

Still, gold may only be suitable for some. Be aware that risks are involved in investing in precious metals, and it’s essential to understand the potential risks and rewards before investing.

Several factors impact the gold price’s upward movement. Political and economic stability strengthens the U.S. dollar, which tends to reduce gold demand. In contrast, an unstable socio-political landscape tends to lead to a weaker dollar, encouraging investors to seek gold’s stability, often driving its value up. The inverse relationship between gold rates and the U.S. dollar’s value often prompts increased gold demand during periods of dollar weakness, generating heightened demand and elevated gold prices.

Gold prices can alternatively experience declines due to factors such as anticipated long-term real interest rate increases, though their true impact on gold is uncertain. The relationship between real interest rates and gold prices is complex and influenced by various economic variables, including inflation expectations, central bank policies and market sentiment. The interaction between these factors can create a fluid and often unpredictable environment for gold pricing.

Additionally, changes in supply and demand from the jewelry, industry and technology sectors can sway gold’s value. The interplay of market dynamics, often intertwined with other asset performance, along with investors’ choices to explore secure alternatives, can also lead to gold price decreases.

Is gold a good long-term investment?

For several reasons, gold has traditionally stood the test of time as a reliable long-term investment. First, it serves as a store of value, maintaining its purchasing power over extended periods. Gold has intrinsic value and limited supply, ensuring its long-term relevance and stability. Lastly, its past performance has demonstrated the ability to withstand economic downturns and deliver solid returns over the long run.

While gold’s historical performance and attributes make it an appealing option for long-term investors, external factors, like geopolitical events and changes in market dynamics, can still impact its performance. As with any investment, carefully considering your financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon is crucial when deciding whether gold is a good fit for you. Furthermore, remember that there’s no guarantee of how gold will perform in the future.

How to invest in gold

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. As an investor, you must evaluate your investment goals, risk tolerance and preferences before deciding if gold is the right choice for you and, if so, which approach to take.

Physical gold

Purchasing gold bullion is a popular and tangible way to own gold. You can buy gold bars and coins from many online dealers. However, buying and storing physical gold involves additional costs such as insurance, storage fees and security considerations.

Gold stocks

Investing in gold mining companies provides exposure to the gold industry without owning the physical metal. It's important to note that factors beyond the price of gold — such as operational performance, exploration success and management decisions — can influence the share prices of gold mining companies. Investors should conduct thorough research on the companies and assess their financial health and potential for growth before investing.

Gold ETFs

Gold ETFs offer a convenient and cost-effective way to invest in gold. These ETFs hold physical gold or derivatives linked to the gold price. Some also invest in a portfolio of gold mining company stocks.

Investors can buy and sell shares of gold ETFs on stock exchanges, providing liquidity and flexibility. They also offer the ability to gain exposure to the price of gold without physical ownership and the associated storage and security concerns.

Gold futures

Investors can participate in the gold market through futures contracts. Gold futures involve buying or selling gold at a predetermined price and date in the future. This method allows for leveraged exposure to gold, amplifying potential returns and carrying additional risks.

Understanding the futures market and being prepared for the volatility and complexities associated with trading futures contracts is essential, as these are complex financial instruments not meant for beginner investors.

Why invest in gold FAQs

Can I invest in gold without physically holding it?

You can invest in gold without physically holding it. Various financial instruments provide exposure to gold, such as gold ETFs, gold stocks and futures contracts. These instruments allow investors to participate in the gold market and benefit from potential price movements without directly owning the physical metal.

How much money should I invest in gold?

The amount of money you should invest in gold depends on your financial circumstances, investment goals and risk tolerance. Additionally, gold investments may not be suitable for every investor. It's important to diversify your investment portfolio. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to determine an appropriate allocation based on your specific needs and objectives. Most recommend investing a maximum of 5% to 10% of your portfolio in precious metals.

How do I start investing in gold?

To start investing in gold, you can open an account with a brokerage firm that offers access to gold-related investments. Many online brokerage platforms provide the ability to trade gold ETFs or gold mining stocks. If you want to purchase physical gold, you can find an online precious metals dealer to place an order.

How can I buy gold?

You can purchase physical gold from authorized online dealers specializing in precious metals. These sources ensure the authenticity and quality of the gold products. You may also be able to purchase it from local dealers.

Summary of the reasons to invest in gold

Gold’s allure stems from its wealth preservation and portfolio diversification benefits. It has also provided historical reliability as a safe haven asset, particularly during economic downturns. However, it’s important to consider whether gold is a suitable investment individually due to the pros and cons.

Gold investment has several potential benefits, such as its capacity to hedge against inflation, liquidity and portfolio enhancement. But there are downsides, including volatility, lack of income generation and storage expenses for physical gold. The outlook for gold investment in 2023 appears positive, considering the pandemic’s aftermath, market uncertainties, interest rates and the performance of the U.S. dollar. However, there are still things that could cause the value of gold to decline.

While the complexity of market dynamics and geopolitical factors can influence gold’s performance, the demand for safe haven assets will likely remain high for the time being. Those looking to invest in gold can do so through various methods, including physical gold, stocks, ETFs and futures contracts.