Amazon's Giving Away Free Vinyl Records for Two Weeks

Vinyl has been surging for a while now, and it even looks like it might even become the sole medium in music that is owned, instead of rented on services like Spotify.
For many, getting the old-fashioned crackles and pops used to mean foraging in their parents basements—this is how I myself spent much of 2003-2008—and combing through the used bins at stores. But more and more people these days are buying records new, and when people start buying more new things, you can be sure that Amazon is salivating and plotting strategies to capitalize.
Amazon's plot turned out to be a new vinyl store (online, not physical). And to celebrate its launch, the company is giving away free vinyl records until Nov. 4. To be clear, not everyone gets free records--this is a contest, not a blanket giveaway. For a chance to win, you must enter your name, email, and phone number, and agree to opt in to receive marketing emails from Amazon Music.
So far, Amazon has given away three Beatles records, "Rumors" by Fleetwood Mac, "Led Zeppelin I," "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis and "Sticky Fingers" by the Rolling Stones.
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